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                              The next morning , she woke up with the irritating sound from a mocking bird flying around inside her room. She looked at her window that she have forgot to close last night. She sat on her bed and waited to the bird to get out of her room. She have wasted an hour and got angry, so she threw her blanket up into the air and the bird caught by it as it fell down to the floor. She took the bird and made it flew outside and she sighed.

                                   She went downstairs and made her meal, took a shower and quickly prepared again all the things she's going to carry. She went out of her house and got her bike. While  in the street, she remembered the flower that she's going to give to her father so she ran back inside and get it and rode her bike going to the cemetery.

                              When she got there, she walked toward her father's tomb and put the flower beside it. She placed a blanket and sat and stayed for a while. She was telling stories to her father on what happened on her the past few days. After an hour, she leave and decided to went at the park again.

                                       At the park, she sat on the bench where she have sat yesterday. She took a book in her bag and read it. Hours passed but she still not yet finish of the book that she's reading, 'til a girl stopped in front of her. She took a look to the girl and got mad. It was one of her classmate named Linda, she never hanged out with that girl because all students at their school saying that Linda was a too weird person and has different personality to others.

Linda greeted her; " Hey Amanda, Great morning huh!"

" Oh I knew it was you Linda," with her tone a little annoyed.

"What?! You've seen me first before I got here?! I thought you were reading a book."

" Exactly!" Amanda faked a smile.

" Can I sit beside you?" Linda asked.

" Oh sure!" she get frowned. And Linda sat beside her on the bench and started a conversation.

" So, how's life?" Linda asked.

" Good! Alone!" Amanda answered.

" Oh! Ho-w lon-e-ly!!" she said slowly.

" How about you?" Amanda asked.

" Nothing's change, I mean, there is... My eyebugs, they're biggy, you know, haven't slept for days, insomnia I think." Linda replied.

"That's awful!!"

"Yeah!" Linda paused a little bit and asked Amanda, " So, what's inside the book?" and pointed out the book that Amanda was holding.

" Oh! This book! This is my father's favorite, The Great Gatsby, I don't really know it at all, I just started reading." Amanda said.

" I've heard about that but I'm not interested at all in books, but I'm pretty sure that's a good one."

" I know!" Amanda smiled and a bee flew around her again and remembered the flower from yesterday. She looked at the flower's direction and saw a new one that is starting to open.

Linda looked at the same thing that Amanda was staring and she said; " Jason!!!"

Amanda's eyebrows rose and she said; " What? Who is Jason?"

" The one that you are looking."

" No! I'm not looking to someone, I was looking to the flower!"

" Yes! It was Jason."

" The flower's name was Jason??" Amanda asked.

" Oh! I see! You're new here right?!"

" Yeah! My mom and I just moved here for about four months."

" Ok, not too long..."

" So, tell me about that flower, the Jason?!"

" Maybe you're wondering why it was called Jason. It came from the months where it lives." Linda said.

" What months?!"

" From the month of July where it first blooms 'til the month of November where it dies."

" I... I don't get it!"

" The months... July, August, September, October and November, every first letters of those months made it's name."

                                Amanda thought for a while about what Linda have said, and she was totally amazed of where the flower's name came.

" That flower has the longest life span for about five months." Linda said.

" Only the flower or the plant?" Amanda asked again.

" Just the flower, the plants lived but the flower dies after five months, and you're going to wait 'til next year to see it again."

Amanda smiled at her and said, " I'm sorry."

" For what?" Linda asked even she knew why Amanda apologized.

" Uhm... I don't know how to say this but I thought you're some kind of you know... A freak or weird like others used to call to you. I'm sorry!"

" That's alright! I grew up with those words... And I think I'm really that kind of weird, I don't know." Linda smiled.

" Well, you're the coolest weird I've ever known." Amanda said.

" Thank you!!!" Linda breathed deeply and said. " I have to go, my grandmother's waiting for me."

" Ok! See you around!" and Linda leave.

                                    She looked again to the flower but she never tried to walked towards it and picked it again, she stood up and kept all her things inside her bag. While she's arranging all her things, she didn't notice that her picture with her father fell down. She just quickly rode her bike to home.

                                         She was too tired when she came and suddenly, grey clouds appeared to the sky, so she quickly get inside of the house and locked the door. Thunderstorms grew from the clouds and heavy rain started. She went at the kitchen and cooked some soup for her to lessen the cold weather.

                                            The phone rang again and it was her mother. She answered it and and her mother was worried about her situation. She just said she's okay and not to be worried at all. She heard her mother's boss like it's assigning a task to her mom, so she told her mother to take care and she blew her goodbye.

                                            After the phone call, she cleaned the dishes that she have used and locked all the windows. She ran upstairs to her room, didn't took her shower and quicky jumped in her bed.

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