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                       Midnight, the thunder still rumbling down the whole town. Branches of the trees cracking and the rain gets heavier evry hour, strong wind swaying all chimes at the neighbors doors and drainages became a storage of garbages and dirts.

                   A loud thud and broken glasses woke Amanda's eyes. She thought she have heard it downstairs so she get her flashlight and a baseball bat beneath her bed and slowly opened the door. She walked silently with little steps through the living room and turned on the light and found out that the window was broken. She get scared and thought that there's someone who got inside the house. She saw some muddy footsteps from the window going behind their couch. She lifted her bat, ready to swing it. She walked very frightful until she have reached the couch and slowly looked behind it.

                          She was astound on what she have saw, it was a naked guy, wet and muddy, paled and freezing. Amanda backed off and pointed the bat to the guy.

" Who-who are you?? A-are you a thief, a maniac or something?! she yelled."

                           But the guy didn't answer, he simply looked to Amanda and tried to stand but he sled and fell, weak. She looked seriously to the guy and found some blood on his hand. She quickly went upstairs and get some clothes and her blanket. She put and wrapped the blanket to the guy's body and helped him stand to lay at their couch.

                            The guy was still freezing, so Amanda quickly cooked some soup and took medicines. She helped the guy to eat the soup and put bandages and medicines on his hand. After doing it, she took again the baseball bat and watched the guy if he's going to do something. While guarding the guy, she didn't notice that she's closing her eyes and fell asleep.

                                      Morning came, Amanda woke from a bee buzzing around her face. She looked at the window and found out that it was already morning. She yawned and remembered the guy that she have helped. She looked at the couch but the guy was not there, she went upstairs to her room , to the kitchen and even their restroom but the guy wasn't there.

                                      She sighed and said, "Maybe I dreamt last night", and she looked at the window next the couch that was broken and dried mud footsteps on the floor. She heard a voice from the outside, singing. She looked from the broken window and saw the guy watering the plants from her mother's garden. She quickly went outside with the baseball bat on her hand and shouted.


The guy heard it and looked at her.

"Who are you? Why are you still here?" she asked.

"Me??!! I-I'm Jason?!" and he walked towards Amanda and about to shake hands. But Amanda didn't let him to get near and said, "STOP! Or else I will call the police!"

And the guy stopped.

"Jason?! Jason, right?? I don't really know you! So will you please leave!? Go away!"

                                 The guy get mad and he dropped the hose and closed the faucet. He wentoutside and sat at the bench next the street.  And Amanda went inside of the house

                                                 Suddenly, the sky get dark and the clouds cried again. Amanda looked at the window and saw the guy who was still sat on the bench. She felt a little guilt on what she have did so she took her boots and umbrella and went outside to the guy.

" Hey!!! Want to come in?!?" she asked.

                                                  The guy didn't answer, he just quickly jumped into the umbrella and smiled to her. And they both went inside of the house.

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