Helping Out Jace

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There's so many things in the world that you are gifted with when you are born. However, sometimes, when God is in the mood to pull cruel jokes, he curses an unborn child with something awful. This horrible thing is known as being deaf. You're unable to hear the wonderful sounds of music, the voices of your friends and family... can you imagine that? Not being able to hear a single sound? -Jace Thompson.

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"Jason! Go do your rounds you lazy bum!" Lauren Styles shouted at Jason Thompson,who only grinned in return. The teenager always got his rounds completed so his chatting with Ryan Harrison was nothing new to the girl.

He tipped two fingers from his temple towards Lauren before scurrying away, grinning only to find there was something that stood out to him. Her powder blue eyes, the black undercoat was an unusual contrast for her pale white hair and skin but she was definitely out of the ordinary.

Her features were elfish, porcelain almost and she had a face that was unmistakable to Jace. However, her name just wouldn't come to mind. His curious mind overran his best interests as he felt his feet walking themselves over to the familiar girl before he grabbed her wrist then said kindly,"Hi, are you lost?"

Whoa there,Jacey Boy, that sounded a little rude,don't you think? His self conscious kicked him in the shin for his tone but the tilt of her head and the quick motions of her hands had Jace's mind spinning. He racked his thoughts for reasons why she gave him that look but nothing came to mind.

Until,of course,someone else approached the two. It was Connor, a boy that Jace had went to school with for years with and who was also a volunteer at the hospital. He turned to the girl then waved before he also motioned at Jace followed by other quick motions of his hands.

She nodded,clearly understanding what Connor was hinting at, then she turned and studied Jace with a puzzled expression.


Charity's first thoughts about this curly headed boy is that he must be stupid. Doesn't he know that she's deaf and can't read lips!? When Connor approached the two and explained that this guy actually didn't have an idea on whether or not she's deaf, she burst out with laughter.

The boy studied them like they belonged in an asylum then his blue eyes seemingly clicked together the final pieces as she turned to face him once again.

He blinked once at her then turned to Connor, confused on what to say, but turned and waved at her. She smiled. At least he was making an effort on talking to her. He glanced around, seeming to be searching for something before he grabbed a clipboard along with a pen before scribbling down something then handed it to Charity.

Hi,I'm Jace Thompson. She smiled only to have her memory ruin it. Jace Thompson was the boy that everyone loved at Lincoln High School. With his stupid brown curls, the bright blue eyes, the dorky,thick glasses,his kindness, his photographic memory, and his ability to play every sport that was ever created, it was a terrific match. But there was one flaw to Jace's perfection according to a select few.

Jace Thompson had a terrible temper. Only his intermediate circle of friends knew of the dirty secret, but thanks to Charity's best(and only) friend, Maxine, had pointed out that Jace's closest friend, Zander, had a nice shiner, not to mention, the small circle of boys was discussing how Zander had earned the black eye.

Her hand trembled as she replied on paper to him,Charity Blue.

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Charity Blue was the only reply he received. He knew the name and he was ashamed that he failed to place a name to her face. Charity wasn't very popular but her name carried weight at the school. She was a foster child and a troublemaker at that. Not to mention, she was also deaf.

Charity froze then pulled out a phone, studying the screen with a creased forehead before she scribbled something across the sheet of paper, I've got to go. Nice seeing/ meeting you.

She scurried out of the hospital, leaving Jace dumbstruck behind her.

"Um,dude? You okay?" Connor asked, laying a hand softly on Jace's shoulder,causing the blue eyed teenager to jump in fright.

"Yeah,I'm cool. I just have one question?" Connor hummed, waiting for the question, then Jace barked, "How can one person be so mysterious?"

That question lingered in the back of Jace's mind for the next two weeks, considering he didn't have enough guts to approach Charity or her perky, extremely tall best friend, Maxine.

"Dude, are you going to just stare at her like she's got angel wings and a halo or are you going to walk your cowardly ass over there and talk to her?" Zander Cloud asked,furrowing his midnight colored eyebrows together.

Alexander Terrance Cloud. He had been Jace's best friend since they argued about whether the San Fransisco 49er's or Cincinnati Bengals were better in the second grade. Zander had dark hair, darker than a winter's night, with no stars out to light up the sky, and he had eyes to match. However, he had pale skin, which he could thank his father for.

"I just don't know how to approach her. She's just... how am I even supposed fucking talk to her, Z? She's deaf for God's sake. I don't know sign language." Jace protested, throwing his arms up in exasperation. Zander sighed, knowing that his best friend didn't do frustration; especially over a girl like Charity Blue.

"Then take your study hall time and learn some basics. Read a book about it, ask around, watch a damn video about it! It's so annoying that you're moping around because you don't know how to talk to a deaf person!"

Maxine Henderson's eyes flickered over to where Jace and Zander which signalled that Zander was being too loud and their cover had been blown. The leggy beauty begun walking over, her hands tightened into fists, which she had tried to hide by stuffing them into her pockets but Jace couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle at the sight of pure terror that crossed his best friend's face.

Maxine Marie Henderson was a perky, long legged, cross country runner who had the most gorgeous chocolate locks a teenage girl could wish for. Maxine was known for her athleticism and eagerness to speak to everyone but she was incredibly protective of Charity.

"Alexander, my dear sweet boy, I'd advice you to run." Jace warned, the tips of his mouth twitching upwards.

"I wouldn't. It'll just make his case worse and I could catch him in two strides, Jacey Boy." Maxine declared, as she stopped, glaring at the two. She glanced in between the two then asked, "Which one of you is going to fess up to what you were saying about my best friend?"

In that moment, Zander had a chance to help his friend, so he took it, "Jace here would love to learn sign language to talk to Charity. Any advice for him, Maxine?"

She went quiet for a moment then nodded once and stated, "You start out slow, Thompson. Smiles and simple conversations. There should be a few books in the library for sign language. Don't push her too far, Jace. And if this is some sick joke, just remember, I can outrun you and I have big enough hands to strangle you."

Jace nodded rapidly, not wanting to anger Maxine more, then replied,"I swear I won't. Thank you, Maxine, for the help." She half shrugged and turned away, returning to Charity who looked confused about the situation.

Now, it was time for Jace's research to begin. Maxine told him simple conversions. So what, does he learn stupid questions, such What's your favorite color, animal, food, etc?

What was Jace Thompson supposed to know? For once, he had no idea.

I really got the inspiration to write this a few months back and I wanted to start something new. Please vote, comment, and share.

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