Just A Friend

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Have you ever been taught anything that takes your undivided attention before? Ha, of course you have. Well, imagine learning sign language. The patience you need to have, you have to have an open mind... and of course, quick hands. It takes a while to learn, but you'll eventually pick up on it and trust me when I say, you'll never forget how to speak silently. -Charity Blue

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"Hey,Charity. I'd love for us to hang out soon." Jace signed as fast as he could, and since Maxine was so knowledgeable about sign language, she could read it easily.

"Good job, Curly. You've learned most of the basics." Maxine congratulated him with a smile before packing her textbooks into her bag. After two weeks of excruciatingly long teaching, the most popular boy of their school had finally picked up on one of the world's most common languages.

Little did they know, there was people always watching them. Two in particular. Jace smiled at his achievement then declared, "Thanks so much for being patient with me, Maxine. I can imagine how hard it was to deal with such a slow learner like myself."

Oh boy, was Jace wrong. He picked up on the hand motions like a baby drinks from a bottle.

"Trust me, Thompson. This was a piece of cake teaching you." Maxine assured him before she exited the library, leaving Jace alone with his books. Someone tapped him on the shoulder and he gave them a quick glance over in annoyance. He just wanted to get over to Mrs. Sullivan's Algebra class before the bell rung so he could speak with Charity.

The person waiting on him to acknowledge him, turned out to be Hadley Jones,the Queen Bee of Lincoln High. The girl had big, brown,doe eyes, blonde hair with hot pink tips, not to mentioned her make up caked face. Jace mentally cringed at the sight of the blonde then plastered a false smile that he became so popular for and he said,"Hey, Had, how's your day going?" If Jace was good at anything, it was keeping the peace at Lincoln.

"My day has been terrific, Jay-Jay.How about your's, huh, you've really been hanging out with Maxine a lot lately. What's the deal with that?" she rambled, her fake eyelashes fluttering with a look that was all too familiar to him. Attempted seduction.

He grinded his molars together then begun to reply when he caught sight of snow white skin. Charity. He grabbed his bag and declared, "Look, Hadley, I'd love to hang here and chat but I've got to go talk with Charity about a few things. See you later?" Not giving Hadley a chance to protest, he hurried over in the direction of where he last saw Charity.

He turned out of the library door to see Charity being escorted towards the office by two bulky, ape looking police officers. Frowning, he hurried over to them and stated,"Hey,um, why is she going to the office?"

"Monica Lenard reported Charity here, saying she spray painted Monica's car neon green on Thursday night." Ape-man One declared, shifting his glare down to Charity, only to receive a middle finger from the pale girl.

"That can't be right. Charity and I went to see Captain America: Civil War in theaters that night." Jace lied, shooting a wink over in Charity's direction before saying to her, We went to the movies. Go along with it.

She nodded which signalled that she would play along with his lie and the curly hair teen continued, "I swear, man, I didn't drop her off until late that night and I had to carry her inside since she fell asleep in my car. How could she spray paint Monica's car off she was with me?"

Ape-man Two shot Ape-man One a questioning look then turned to Charity who nodded at Jace's alibi before Ape-man Two declared,"He's got a point. Let's just let her go."

They released her and walked away, leaving Jace alone with an impressed looking Charity. She bit the corner of her lip then raised an eyebrow before she asked,"What'd you tell them?"

"You were at the movies with me and you fell asleep in my car so it couldn't have been you."

"Clever, Curly. Why'd you cover my ass?" Jace chuckled to himself at her question and answered, "I'd love to hang out with you sometime, so I figured if I kept you from suspension, you'd be more likely to say yes."

She gave a full hearted laugh then shook her head at his response before she replied,"I'll hang out with you. Today, after school. Meet me at South Street Park."

She walked away from him, letting Jace grin to himself. Looks like those lessons from Maxine had paid off. He turned on his heel,only to crash into someone. Dark green eyes met his blue ones and Jace let out a groan.

Tristan Anderson"Devil Anse" Blue. The asshole of the town and Charity's older brother. The two was the sons of bitches that ran that school and stomped anyone who even looked at the two wrong.

"What the hell do you want with my sister?" Devil Anse demanded, cornering Jace with a vicious glare. The blue eyed boy gulped and glanced around nervously before he answered,"I want to get to know her. I want to be a friend to her."

Devil Anse rolled his eyes then gave a cold laugh and declared, "Let's get something straight here,Thompson. My little sister isn't some voodoo doll you can play Sticks with. She's a great kid and you're not gonna prance in and dance around her like some fairy king. This isn't a fairy tale."

"Chill out, Tristan. I just want to give her another hand to hold. I don't want her to see me as a fairy king. I want to be a friend to her. Please. Just let me help your sister. I mean,I don't want to pity her or anything. I want to be a friend."

Tristan took a step back and gave a curt nod then warned,"Just remember, Jace. That's all you better be to my sister. Just a friend." He stalked away,leaving Jace alone with Tristan's threat waving in the air. Just a friend...

"Just a friend." he echoed, walking out the front doors of the school. The last period of the day was over in thirty seconds so he wanted to get a head start towards South Street Park.

Hello!! I'm back again and with a new chapter!! Hope you enjoyed this little update! Comment, vote, share. Thank you

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