I'm Not A Charity Case

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Older siblings can sometimes be a pain in the ass but they can also can be the protection you need from this cruel world. So, take it from the deaf girl. If your older brother/sister tries helping you out, let them at least try. But if you think they're completely wrong, chances are, one of you are wrong about the subject. -Charity Blue.

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Someone grabbed Charity's shoulder and twisted her around, giving her a full sight of their leather jacket and an airway full of cinnamon gum. Tristan. She stepped out of her brother's grasp, knowing he was very unpredictable, especially when it came to protecting Charity.

Tristan had a tendency to overextend things past their borders without even knowing it until the damage is already done. Charity should know.


"Just let me go, Tristan! I'm a teenage girl, you have to give me some freedom eventually!" Charity snapped angrily, shoving from Tristan.

"I don't give a damn! Anyone can take advantage of you, Charity, and you wouldn't know what to do because you're so ignorant to the world around you!" Tristan replied back with fury. The pale girl attempted to turn away from her big brother, only to have him grip her wrist in a brutal grip.

She slammed a fist repeatedly on his fingers but his grasp of steel was impossible to break.

End of Flashback...

Charity ran a hand subconsciously over the place where Devil Anse had left his warning bruises at almost a year ago then she shot him a quick question,"What do you want, Tristan?"

"I heard about you and Jace Thompson. Stroll through the park, huh? Any Pokémon Go playing?" he asked, leaning against the wall. She sighed then replied,"It's none of your business, Anse. Just leave it be."

"I'm just trying to look out for you, Charity!"

"Goddammit,Tristan, I'm not a fucking charity case! And if Jace Thompson wants to treat me like one then he can go fuck himself." She stormed away with her last words, the tips of her pale ears now a scarlet red.

She stalked out of the building past everyone who saw the encounter between the siblings, including Maxine, then turned in the direction of South Street Park where she was scheduled to meet Jace. It was stupid. Why couldn't she have one friend that wasn't Maxine? Why couldn't Tristan accept that maybe the most popular boy in their town actually wanted to be the deaf girl's friend?

Charity snorted. Okay, that sounded stupid. Jace Thompson was the sweetest boy. He was never rude to her,but then again, he never tried making conversation with her before today. Well, who knows! Maybe he didn't know sign language. The way he acted at the hospital a few weeks again proved it in fact that she could be right.

Looking up from her rambling thoughts, she spotted Jace's wild curls at the swings where he was rocking back and forth at. She walked over in silence then joined him on the swing beside him then he said,"You showed. I'm surprised."

"I don't get it,Jace. Why did you ask me to come here? I mean,I have one friend and it's Maxine. She's friends with everybody for God's sake! What do you want from me! Because let's make something clear right now. I'm not a charity case." He didn't respond for a few moments but then he did.

"Is that a pun? Can I laugh now?"

"No, you fucking idiot,I'm being serious. If you're trying to be my friend, then just be my friend. Don't try to be anybody else, just be you." Charity snapped. Jace gave a nod then agreed, "I want to be your friend, Charity. I want to get to know you. You're like an elf. A very gorgeous elf."

"Don't hit on me,Curly, and don't call me an elf." she warned.

"No, no, you're like Orlando Bloom in Lord of The Rings. Very hot and very deadly."

"Do you have a crush on Orlando Bloom,Jace?"

"Always appreciate the male features and body, Miss. Blue." he declared, smiling widely. She laughed and he couldn't help but smile more. It was such a delightful sound. They sat and talked for a few hours before she declared that she had homework to do and a curfew to abide by.
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Tristan watched with a hawk's eye, just waiting for Charity to turn the corner like she usually does when she goes to South Street Park, when he saw his little sister huddling inside of her leather jacket as she walked onto the porch.

He leaned against his doorway, his dark eyebrows furrowed as he waited patiently for Charity to join him upstairs. He heard her walking up the old creaky stairs and he crossed his arms when she stepped into sight.

"Hey,big bro." she signed, smiling. He raised an eyebrow, surprised with how happy she was,then replied,"You look happy. Did it go well?"

"Yep! Hey, does a Harry Potter Marathon sound good to you?"

"Yeah,absolutely. Let's go,sissy." He reached a hand out to her and led her inside his room, putting in the first of several movies of the siblings' movie night.

Hey,guys,that was a bit of a crappy chapter but I'm not feeling the best(I'm epileptic, I can't feel anything, and they're toying with my medicine) so I'm sorry if the updates come slowly. Comment, vote, and share!!

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