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When someone enters society that is uncommon to the popular crowds, they usually get treated like shit. From that point, the person can take one of three roads. They can adapt to the regular crowds and evolve from their oddball-ness, they can get shoved around like the ball in the pinball machine, or they can just ignore the rejection. Usually, the person ends up with the rejection stuffed in every corner of their mind which causes them hate every ounce of their being. -Jace Thompson

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"So?" Zander asked,splattering Jace's bed with his body. Jace shot his best friend a frustrated glare then mocked,"So? So what?"

"What happened with Blue?" Jace rolled his eyes and focused back on his US History textbook, knowing he had a test, before he declared,"We talked,Z. What more do you want than that?"

"Details!" Zander cried out, arching his back in frustration. He's worse than a damn girl,Jace thought to himself,snickering as he flipped yet another page of his fifty that Mr. Dublin assigned the classes.

"Fine. You want details? You'll get details. She told me that her favorite character from Harry Potter was Draco Malfoy, she loves Jason Grace, she thinks Tobias Eaton is the King of The World, and that Gale Hawthorne deserved everything good in the universe." Zander opened his mouth to cut Jace off but he was already rambling.

"Her favorite color is lilac, she likes black sparkles. She has been to the Seattle Space Needle and she screamed bloody murder while Devil Anse stabbed her with a fake knife with fake blood on it and she had to bail him out because someone called the cops and said that he attempted murder."

"Why would someone bail Tristan Anderson Blue out of jail?" Zander interrupted, frowning. Jace's smile turned downwards as he let the words bounce through his mind before he replied, "I don't know. But she really does care about him. I could see it, the delight in her eyes when she talks about Devil Anse, it's something that I've never seen before."

"You better be careful, J, or you're gonna have a bigger problem than Maxine. If you fall for Charity Blue, you'll have to deal with Mr. Hell On Earth himself." his best friend warned.

"I'm not falling for Charity Blue! I've talked to her once and that was all." Jace exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. 

"Sometimes that's all it takes,J." Zander's words bounced through Jace's mind and he waved off the words then declared,"I just want to be her friend, Zander."

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When Charity entered school on Monday, all eyes were on her and every word that escaped someone's mouth was about her. She frowned as everyone pointed in her direction and they looked like whatever their conversations were about,it was very interesting.

"Um, Maxie, why is everyone pointing at me?" Charity signed, raising an eyebrow at her best friend. Maxine sighed and Charity noticed the heaving of her friend's shoulders before the taller girl signed back,"They're talking about you and Curly's chit chat at the park."

Charity's blue eyes narrowed and honed in on the biggest bully of Lincoln High, Sam Tucker.

Samuel Lucas Tucker, the son of a bitch who has had beef with Charity's big brother for years on end over Charity, and the stupid senior boy who thinks its funny to pick fights with anyone and everyone. Including the Blue siblings.

"Stupid bitch doesn't even know what I'm saying!" Sam exclaimed, letting out a nasal chuckle, followed by several mocking laughs. Someone wrapped a beefy arm around the boy's neck then hissed,"You better be talking about your whore of the week,Tucker, otherwise your ass is going to drown in a pile of shit."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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