Chapter 1

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{Tiny a/n: woops, sorry. This was definitely not the morning of yesterday..... what can I say? I HAD HOMEWORK!!! Anyways, here it is.}

◇Your POV◇

I had just moved to a new school, recently graduating from my elementary. Although my last school was private, I'm attending the public school around the block from my house. This whole school system will be entirely new for me, I hope it's not too bad.

All that could run through my mind was 'I hope the kids here will be at least somewhat polite', but who knows. They can't hate you too horribly, just be a little more social was all I could muster up inside as I slowly trudged towards the school campus.

Shortly arriving, I observed the interesting statues in the center of each courtyard, taking note of the detail and design. Coming to a halt in front of the last clearing in the row, I noticed a fountain, and my eyes lit up with excitement as I allowed my composure to falter a bit, running towards the stone structure.
I stare in awe at the beautiful stone structure in front of me, barely noticing the other students surrounding me. They all kept to there own business, brushing me off as some silly freshman.

That was, until a giant shadow appeared, looming over the small indent in the building. I hadn't noticed myself until I finally realized them running about 1 mile away. Taking cover under a nearby bench, I watched as a remaining kid struggled to get away, but obviously failed. I covered my eyes, but pulled my fingers away to see what would happen. To my great surprise, the giant titan hadn't touched the student at all; merely taking her bento (a/n: private schools don't have titans, sorry). I sighed in relief, watching as it walked away with its satisfied grin plastered across its mouth.

I hurriedly ran over to the young girl, who was now sitting in a puddle of her own tears and grieving over her minimal loss.
"Are you alright?" I asked while scanning her body over to check for any injuries, "No; I'm not okay! That dumb thing just stole my lunch, and now I'm gonna starve to death!" The brunette replied between sobs.

I let out a heavy sigh at her attitude, but helped her up nevertheless. I gathered her school bag and we both walked into the building and down the hall to the front of the building.
It was the first day (obviously), so we were expected to find our classrooms and arrive to there by 8 am sharp.

To my great relief and dissatisfaction, I was in the same class as this girl. Great, now I don't have to walk her to a separate classroom! I hummed to myself happily before frowning. But, I'm stuck with at least 1 whiney girl in a class. I looked over to her as she choked down the last of her sobs, trying to wipe away any evidence of crying, but her puffy eyes gave it away.

I never realized how big the school was until we were forced to literally sprint to our room in order to make it on time. And to make it even worse, I had to listen to my new 'pal' whine the whole way. Once we arrived, the teacher, Mr. Shadis, began aggressively lecturing us about punctuality.

It was pretty embarrassing getting an earful in front of the class in day one, but I ensured myself to forget about it after finding a seat next to a beautiful girl with inky hair and a crimson scarf. She looked over at me for a second, but returned her gaze to the front shortly afterwards, waiting for the role to pass.

Oh joy.

To be continued!

Author's Note:

Again, sorry it took so long. I made about 12 different drafts for this first chapter plus I had 7 different assignments to work on, so deal.

I thunk you know who these first two girls are, but if not; you shall see!

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