Chapter 2

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In all my years in school, I have never experienced such an interesting role call. Not only did we learn each others' names and school; we also got a first-glance at their personalities!

For example: Eren Jaeger, from Shiganshina Elementary school with a clear aggressive nature and an obsession of avenging his stolen lunch. Apparently the student I helped- Sasha Braus- was not the only one to have their meal stolen. I'm simply relieved the monsters don't hunger for our human flesh. After all, I'm new to this stuff!

I sigh heavily as the role continues after Shadis calms that Connie kid down. To my surprise, the attendance ended without my name being called. Mikasa (the quiet girl on my right) seemed to have noticed as well, and had full intention of taking action. Before she raised her hand even half-way up; I had already shot mine up to grab the teacher's attention... but not without knocking the boy (Jean Kirschtein, according to Shadis). Both Mikasa and I lowered our hands as he picked himself up off of the ground and gave me the most menacing glare he could probably come up with.

I started apologizing profusely, and successfully capturing the attention of most of the class and Mr. Shadis. I froze under his harsh stare and slowly turned in my spot, silently praying I wouldn't get hit (common in my old school) in front of my classmates. Watching as he stalked over to our desks, I realized that perhaps I didn't want my name called after all; at least not in this class. The seconds he stood there felt like centuries, and all I could do was gaze intently at the bright linoleum floors below me.
Please forget about me. Don't recognize me as unknown. I want to go home. I really want to go home now.

Suddenly, I hear him clear his throat and slam one of his heavy hands down on my little desk, nearly cracking it! The impact sent me flying out of my seat, and I simply lie on my back before he shouts at me to get up. I scrambled to my feet in less than a second and accidentally saluted, of course earning a few snickers from my classmates. Dropping my hands immediately after the realization, I still waited for his response to my series of interruptions. The silence grew unbearable, and I couldn't stand it any longer.

Breaking through the invisible wall; I spoke, "I am very sorry for disrupting the class. I didn't mean to hit his fragile; my arm just kinda has a spasm. I meant to tell you that my name was not called even though it appeared on the roster by the office. Please don't publicly humiliate me!" I yelled all of my words together in a big jumbled mess. Nevertheless; my message apparently got through to him. He took in a long, irritated breath and began to answer. "All of you bratty 1st years should learn some self control. Mikasa, right? Take the attendance to the office along with her to have it rewritten." he finished while walking back to the front in order to retrieve the slip, all the while muttering of how he would have to 'crack some skulls.' By now, I had calmed down a bit. Mikasa came from behind means tapped me on the shoulder; pretty harshly if I might add. She already grasped the attendance sheet in her right hand, and motioned me to follow her out of the class.

I was pretty nervous being around someone as cool and composed as herself, so I tried not to start any small talk and remain as visibly calm as possible. I listened to all the classes in the hallway surrounding us, and I will note that it was pretty noisy for the first period. After about five minutes, we finally stopped in front of the biggest of the sliding doors in the school. We both entered the room and waited for the changes to be made.

*:゚*。⋆ฺ(*'◡') Beautiful cherry blossom Time Skip *:゚*。⋆ฺ(*'◡')

We managed everything without having Mr. Shadis hurt anybody in the office, and soon enough it was time for lunch. I wasn't all that hungry, but I still opened up my meal to see what I had as an option. I opened up to find my favorite:

(A/N: sorry, I didn't know how to  describe it that well, so just refer to the pic above)

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(A/N: sorry, I didn't know how to describe it that well, so just refer to the pic above)

I was just pulling out my chop sticks when I feel a heavy breathing down my neck. I shiver and jump around to see none other than my good friend Sasha. She gave me the most sad eyes possible and said, "Can you please share some of your lunch?" I was powerless! I heaved a sigh and handed my beautiful lunch over to her. She just about swallowed the whole thing in less than a minute, and handed it back to me with a satisfied smile. After her 'thank you's', I looked around the room until I spotted Mikasa with Eren. I started walking over, but I was abruptly stopped by a hand on my shoulder.

Who could it be???


Author's Note:


LOOK, I'M SORRY, OKAY? I HAD SHIT TO DO. At least I made this chapter longer than the average chapter. Sorry not sorry about the cliff hanger ฅ(*°ω°*ฅ)


I decided to keep writing them both. *Sigh* Woe is me, I have two fandoms on my tail. Boo hoo for me. Oh well.

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