Chapter 5

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I started nearing the group of, now, 7 older students, but a hand clasped my shoulder and pulled me back before I could reach the upperclassmen. "(Y/N), what the heck are you doing? Those are the cool kids; you can't touch 'em!" shouted Sasha. A couple of heads turned, but after a couple of dirty looks from the both of us and they looked away. She lead me me back over to the somewhat spread out group of first year students, specifically Connie. He greeted us with an exaggerated wave and a smile. "Guess what, guess what, GUESS WHAT!" screamed Connie. We motioned for him to continue, so he inhaled deeply before saying, "They just opened this great new ramen place right around the corner, I heard it had the best broth in all of the city, country maybe! Oh please, you gotta come with me to see it, it's probably amazing!" one look at Sasha, and I could already knew she was ready to go. I, on the other hand, had to get home before my mom did to clean and start my homework. "I'm really sorry Connie, I'd love to, but I gotta get home right now," I explained lightly to him. He shrugged it off and hurried off with Sasha. They're perfect for eachother! I giggled watching then run as fast as they could, pushing eachother in attempt to outrun the other, occasionally yelling at eachother. I started on my walk home and made sure to detour the 'cool kids' and avoid trouble. I waved at a couple passing classmates, for most people were headed this way. Popular neighborhood according to Eren.

The walk home was quiet, and that required adjustment after the day I just had. I reached home and started cleaning up small things throughout the house in preparation of bugger tasks, such as vaccuming and mopping. Junior high didn't hand out large amounts of homework- at least not on the first day- so that gave me more freedom and time to get other activities done. I finished up the one sheet I received from Mr. Shadis and rolled out the vaccum. The battle between the dirt and myself begins. And the machine and I ran around the house, making sure everything was sick and span.

^<^>^Cleaning Time Skip^>^<^

Boy am I exhausted. My body drooped while locking up all the cleaning supplies and walking back to my room. My be looked comfier than usual, so I let my subconscious mind lead the way. I stripped myself of the uniform and replaced it with some simple pajamas. I settled myself under the covers and drifted off to sleep. Napping seems perfectly fine. This should be good for me after such an exhausting day. I expected that my mother would wake me up when she got home; I'd nap until then.

\|/ Why so many Time Skips? \|/

I woke up on my own, and I heard small movement downstairs. It wasn't that dark out, but it was definitely past 5 or 6 PM, and to hear nothing but rustling from downstairs was very unsettling. Part of me wanted to hid under the covers until it went away, but not all the dream power in the world wouldn't protect me from a knife or a gun if I hid under the covers. Face the fear, c'mon, you can do it. . . I'm pretty sure. I took what little courage that voice in my head gave me and searched my room for my weapon of choice, (insert mild weapon of choice).
The stealth I had while going down the stairs was unbelievable, I couldn't even hear my own breathing! Well, I only heard it a little. I held my (weapon) up as defensively as I could, making sure I looked as threatening as possible. The corner came up, and I took a deep breath in before whipping around. Nothing/No one was there. So, I moved on to the next room. There, the figure stood. It was rather short, and I thought maybe some of the young thugs had decided to break in, and I made sure to make myself 1000% more threatening, if that was even possible. Whoever it was, they turned around to face me with almost a disappointed sigh. It looked like their hair was a lighter shade, and they had a school uniform mildly different to mine. A couple of steps towards me and we didn't exchange any words, only stares. I recognized the person who stood before me to be male with darker blonde hair with a rival schools' pin. This is not good, not at all. It's okay, just stand your ground. The kid cleared his throat and smiled a sweet and genuine smile, and it was terrifying.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but all I need is some food, or even some cash if you would like." He told me.
"Excuse me?" I asked before he sighed, "I asked if you could please offer me some food or money. It would be nice." It took a minute to register in my mind. He wants what? He didn't appear to be joking, he simply stood there expectantly. "At least introduce yourself first," I said. "My name is Farlan, and that's all you need to know." I nodded knowingly, although I still wasn't comfortable with him.

I lowered my weapon and looked him up and down one more time. "Just how much food are you looking for?"
His head tilted to the side in thought for a moment, "About enough for a dinner for two. Nothing fancy." The description was sparse, but it would do. "Stay right there. Pull anything, and I swear to gouda you will feel the wrath of my (weapon),"
I rummaged the kitchen for food items to give to this boy and other, looking specifically for things that wouldn't be noticed or missed by my mother. I returned to him- still in his place- with some apple sauces, bread slices of various loaves, saltine crackers and 2 milk pouches.

His eyes lit up and his greed arose. He dashed over to me and tried snatching up the food items, but only grabbing one milk. "I try to help you, and this is what you try to pull? Unbelievable." I mutter. I handed him the food. . . just as my mother decides to arrive. Heavy footsteps draw nearer to our frozen figures and she doesn't notice either if us until she drops her briefcase and turns around.



Author's Note:

Holy fucking shit guys, there are 1.58k reads on this story and I am so amazed. Wow. Thank you so much!

Sorry this is so late, I'm visiting my friend her confirmation and graduation, so we've been busy this whole weekend.

I have no other words

See ya later gators

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