Chapter 6

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{This chapter is a choose-your-own-path chapter! It sucks, but it'll get better and more frequent over time.}

We were all frozen, even my mother. This isn't good, not good at all, no sir. All I must do is not make any sudden movements, and maybe she'll leave me alone... Not the case. The expression on her face was too mean to handle while she slowly and menacingly made her way over to the both of us.

"Want to tell me why you have friends over this late and without my permission no less?" She started, keeping a steady tone and the retched face. I slowly looked over at this guy, Farlan if I remember correctly, with a worried look. He returns my look with a pleading one, pleading for me not to tell the truth. "I'm waiting for an answer, (Y/N) and co." she impatiently spoke.

Time to choose!

Path A: she doesn't listen) I cleared my throat to begin, but she clearly didn't want to hear it.
"You know, letting you go to a public school was already a lot of freedom, and for you to go and invite someone over without my permission is unacceptable. How dare you disrespect me in such a sneaky way you little bastard." Farlan was starting to inch closer to the window, and my mother either didn't notice or didn't care. She lectured and yelled at me for some time, but finally came to a stop to look up at the boy, almost fully out the window.

I could swear lasers came out of their eyes as they intensely stared at eachother. (Mom's name) looked as if she was ready to kill the both of us- which I don't doubt she would- and Farlan looked as scared as a dog during a firework show, but didn't dare break the eye contact. Out of nowhere she ran towards the window in an attempt to catch him, so he just let go and fell to the ground, as it was a fairly short fall. I ran up to a different window nearby only to see him dart away faster than any NASCAR I've seen. Great, all the blame and punishment is now on me, even more so than before. I turned around and found exactly what I expected, that being her angry face turned in my direction. But what I did not expect was for her to turn around and stomp up the stairs to her bedroom.

Path B: you tell the truth) I didn't want to look at the kid after what I was about to do. "Mom, I don't know this guy, he literally just snuck in and asked me for food. I was scared for my life ma'am!" I closed my eyes and heard the sound of feet shuffling and. . . a body falling? I opened my eyes to see only my mother looking out the window and the distant glance of dirty blonde hair running away. "Did you throw him out the window?" I shakily asked my mother before she turned back to me with a disgusted look. She said, "Of course I didn't, the little ass wipe took off. Actually hit the ground running!" She stormed off to her room without another word.

Path C: you tell a lie) I knew the consequences would be so much worse, but I really felt I needed to help this guy out, so I did what I could to help. "Well, this is Farlan and he needed help getting gome, but there wasn't any way for him to do so, and I thought maybe, you know, we could help him get home?" I said, hoping I was as convincing as possible. Her face adorned a flabbergasted look while she looked at me. My mom started, "So you thought I can just drive everyone home just because they don't have it easy? What the hell do you think I am, public transportation?" This was getting really bad really fast, but there was nothing I could do about it but wait and see what would happen.

After what felt like forever of her yelling, but eventually she noticed Farlan climbing out the window and she ran over to him, tugging him back into the room. His shouts of pain and fear echoed throughout the room, but that crazy woman pulled him in and sat him on the couch, giving him a death stare. "How the hell do you expect some random woman to drag you home, huh? You going to pay me?" She demanded. He yelled at her, "Why in the deepest pits of the underworld would I pay you to take me, a child, home?" She then explained to him that driving requires gasoline, and gasoline costs money. They fought over this for quite some time.

All in a second, I made the desicion to help him out of the situation. I ran up to my mom, hit her on the back only hard enough for her to let go and proceeded to lead Farlan out the front door.
He ran, and by run I mean sprinted. I had to stay behind (obviously) and before long, I felt my mom's hand on my shoulder. Her actions were quick, but it left a lasting impression for at least a week, this impression being a hand on the cheek and a few words exchanged on respect for parents. After that, she just made her way upstairs.

{Paths Complete, everyone reads here}
It amazed me; no punishment, no extra yelling, no nothing! It wouldn't last long, but I made sure I didn't take this time for granted. I made sure to stay quiet in order to keep a calm environment and went back to bed around 11 pm, but didn't fall asleep right away, after all I'd had a nap earlier.

I lie awake for a while thinking the day over and dreaming up scenarios for the next to come. School wasn't bothering me yet, but that boy was. I really hope he doesn't make this a regular habit of visiting my house and getting into heaps of trouble. But at the same time, he intrigues me. I thought of all the possibilities there might be as to why he'd need food from me, or why he had broken in. It all ended within minutes when my eyes slowly became heavier and heavier before I let myself fall asleep.

《Next Morning》

I woke up some time around 7 am, just in time to see mother dear leave the house and head out for work. She still ignored me despite my 'Good morning,' but it didn't matter to me.

Since I live close enough to school to walk, I had half an hour to get ready, which was more than enough time.
I got into my uniform and sat down at the computer to waste some time.

》》Computer time skip《《

I was out the door in no time with my lunch ready (adding extra for Sasha) and just enough money for a breakfast on the way.
My first destination was the breakfast cart two blocks from the school. I was able to purchase a rice ball and an orange juice, which was perfect. I ate it behind a bush just to make sure no one stole it- giant or fellow student.

The school yard was full and clear of this giant titans. Now, let's get to class on time! I started towards my wing of the school, meeting up with Annie on the way. There was little conversation, but it was comfortable, unlike yesterday at break.

Let's hope today goes well.

To be continued!

Author's Note:


Expect a second chapter this week!!
I'm going to be at camp for a week without my phone, as they're not allowed, so to make up for that, I'll write another chapter this week. I know, I'm such an amazing author.

I'm going to be at a different camp after thus first one for 6 weeks, but I'll have my phone. I won't be able to give as much bulk though due to camp activities and classes. That's right; thus camp has class work because it's a culture camp, so we learn. JUST PLEASE TAKE THIS INTO CONSIDERATION!!!!

That's all you need to read.

Thank you for nearly 2k reads! I really appreciate all the love I've gotten from you guys, and it's been a lot of fun making these fanfictions for you!

That's it, shoo shoo. I've got another 2 chapters to right ┐('д')┌

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