Chapter 3

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I turned around to see Annie, followed closely by Reiner and Bertholdt. She gave me this piercing stare, speaking shortly afterwards, "I wouldn't hang out with them; at least not Mikasa. She's weird and overprotective. Why not come and join us instead?" It wasn't really my choice, as she half-lead half-dragged me over to their desks. We all sat in an uncomfortable silence and when I looked at each of them, I had noticed that the boy 'Bertholdt" was looking extremely uncomfortable. I didn't want to waste my whole lunch period staring at the three, so I tried to make small talk, like a normal human being would. "So, like it here so far?" the words nervously slipped out of my mouth, hoping to put our little group in a more comfortable position. Annie simply shrugged while the other two sorta nodded before the tall one decided he had also had enough of the uncomfortable silence.
"Um, y-you can leave if you want, I mean, we aren't doing that much anyways..." He talked of as you both noticed Annie's visible anger. Without warning, she turned to me, "Yeah, it's fine. You can go where you want. Sorry to bother you." And with that, I slowly arose and bowed to them. "Thank you for the small talk, I'll see you later!" Waving and walking towards a lone- well, mostly alone aside from the lovers that were inseperable- table. I really just wanted to be alone with a book, I'd make the best of it as it was.
The couple didn't seem to mind me, so I went back over to my bag to get my book, which I had oh-so conveniently forgotten. Upon my return, I noticed Jean and Marco were leaning against the wall 2 feet away from the desk of my choice. Oh well, I'll sit there as long as possible until they start to annoy me. I made my way over there before anyone could stop me and opened to where my book mark was placed. Not even 2 chapters. I couldn't make it through 2 goddamn chapters before that Jean-boy and his 'pal' Marco waltzed up to my desk and started running their yaps. "Hello there, are you from Tennessee, because you're the only ten-I-see," He finished it off with a huge cheesy grin. I cringed so hard I dropped my book, and I was absolutely positive my face had a priceless expression. Marco was giggling like crazy, but as for Jean, he didn't seem too pleased with my reaction. "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings, it's just really, um, overused?" I tried. I honestly tried to help him feel better. I suppose it worked, considering he let it go and continued on talking. "So anyways, I'm sure you remember me; Jean. And this is my friend Marco!" he explained, gesturing over to his 'partner in crime' who had composed himself by now. I gave him a smile before continuing on, "So did you need anything?" He tilted his head and offered a confused look. "I mean was there anything you specifically came over for?" This triggered a reaction from Marco, "Yeah Jean, didn't you need to ask her something?" bursting into more fits of giggles. After not-so-subtly stepping on his friend's foot his became flustered and cleared his throat. "W-well, I just wanted to tell you... you, well... you have r-really... um, really pretty eyes," was all that he managed to choke out. I thought for a moment and subconsciously brought a hand up to my left eye. "Hm, thanks! I never really thought much of them, I've always really wanted (eye color of choice) colored eyes though."

At my statement he visually paled and muttered, 'why is it that whenever I like something it changes.' After Marco pulled Jean away, I had only about 7 minutes left to read my book, and I hastily re-opened my book in order to take advantage of the time left. Until, that is, Krista had come up to my desk no more than 2 seconds later. I sigh, and close my book, again, and look up at her, "What is it Krista?" I hoped I didn't sound too exhausted or rude. "Oh, I was just taking a poll of the class, what is your favorite thing for lunch?" she questioned. I sat and thought for a moment, "I suppose seaweed, but I can't say for sure..." Ymir had joined our group by standing next to Krista (of course) and they both gasped at my answer. "Like mozuku? Wow, so grown up!" Krista seemed really impressed with me, but it was just seaweed. That's when we all heard a noise and turned to see Eren boastfully holding up his lunch yelling, "ALL RIGHT; CHEESE HAMBURG STEAKS, MY FAVORITE!" A couple of kids snickered while others stared at him with dumbfounded expressions. Ymir chuckled, "Well, looks like we don't have to ask Jaeger." We all giggled for a bit about that until Shadis notified us that our lunch period had ended. 

Next time my dear book, next time.



Sorry this took so long, and I'm sorry it's more of a filler chapter than I would've liked it to be. Oh well. 

Okay, I'm very sorry if I'm making this too lesbian, please tell me if I am. I will add more male flirts, I SWEAR TO IT!!! But for real, please tell me if I'm being to gay for my own good. (My name is  Gay is Yay)

I hope the next chapter won't take as long, but I am also working on the Hetalia one and a secret one (SHHHHHH it's not taking my time away from these two, I swear)

Well, I'll make like a Latvian, Ata! Uzrēdzīt nākam reiz!

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