Part 6; Moving

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Crap! This is never going to work. I pulled out of Riverside School of Fine Arts 3 weeks ago now. My dad used to have a secretary so he isn't used to doing things like this. I am never going to find a suitable school at this rate - all the private schools are either too expensive or have a long waiting list, and the public schools are either full of chavs, have a long waiting list or just aren't right for me. 

I suppose this is a nice flat, but it was bought so I could have a good education, what's the point of it if I then have no education? I liked it here but is it going to be practical for me to get to a school? The answer is a big, fat, ate-too-many-doughnuts-NO! I'm going to have to move. Maybe it's better for me to have a fresh start, outside of London?


Dad decided that we are going to move to the countryside!!! Yasssssssss!!! I bet you are jealous! But how will a city girl like me manage to fit in?

ps. I am still annoyed with dad 😒

Sorry this chapter was short and sort of rubbish! I also apologize for being slightly absent.... however, stay reading because some crazy stuff is  about to go down (promise)  - Lyra J

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