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JACOB SARTORIUS??!! Oh my god don't freak out Katie!
"Here you go."
"Omg are you okay I'm so sorry!"
"Nah it's okay I live with two brothers I'm used to it by now."
"Hey are you new here?"
"Um yeah I moved here a few hours ago actually."
"Hey what's your name?"
"Katherine but call me Katie"
"I'm Jacob."
"Yeah sure. Let me go get my brothers." I ran behind Shawn and screamed.
"THERES SOMEONE I WANT YOU TO MEET" in his ear. I turned around and saw Jacob laughing his butt off. I did too. "Geez Katie my ear is ringing!"
"Well Then. Anyways Shawn and Adam this is Jacob and Jacob this is Shawn and Adam."
"Hi nice to meet you." They said in usion. Adam was hiding behind Shawn.
"Adam c'mere."
"Can you at least say hi to Jacob?"
"Hey bud." Jacob said. Aw so cute. Shawn and Adam left so me and Jacob walked to his house.
"So tell me about your self."
"Well what do you want to know?"
"Like about yourself."
"Dude just ask questions and all answer them."
"Ok then."
"Where were you born?"
"Did you move from Miami to here?"
"Then were did you move from?"
"Washington DC."
"Aw cool."
"How many times have you moved?"
"16 times." It looked like his eyes were about to roll out of his head.
"Nah your messing with me."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"Would you think I'd be lying to you if I just met you like twenty minutes ago?"
"That is a good point. Where did you live?"
"Oh this will take a while. I was born in Florida, and I lived in Miami for about two years ( I was two years old). Then we moved to Naples Florida and lived there for about two months. Later we moved to California and lived in San Diego for five months. We moved to Los Angles for about three months. After, I lived in Chicago for about a year, then moved to Boston for about two years, and lived in Portland Maine for a month. Then we moved to Phoenix Arizona for about three years and moved to London England for about a year. After England, we moved to Cairo Egypt and lived there for a month. We lived in Tokyo Japan for about two weeks then moved to Dublin Ireland for four years. Later we lived in New York City for a month then moved to Toronto Canada for about two years and we lived in Washington D.C. And now I'm here." That took like a whole ten minutes.
"Yeah I know."
"Wait why did you move so much?"
"Well my dad has this like non common job for something that I don't know and so every time the company got bigger we had to move. OH! His job is sponsoring community things."
"Oh cool my dads a carpenter." I laughed.
"What did I say something?"
"NO-Y-YOU-W-WERE LIKE-OH COOL MY DADS A CARPENTER!" After I finally settled down I explained why it was funny.
"Cause after I explained all that you were just like my dads a carpenter so I found it funny lmao!"
We were shooting some hoops and my phone started ringing.
"I need to go thanks Jacob for today!" I ran down the driveway until I felt a pinch in my arm and being twisted around. It was Jacob.
"Can you put your number in my phone so I can text you?"
"Um yeah sure it's 396-285-4979."
"Thanks bye." I started walking til I remembered I don't know my way around here considering there were like over 100 houses.
"Um I don't know my way around here."
"Oh ok so your asking me to show you?"
"Wait Katie what happened you seem so not yourself and I've known you for not even a day?!"
"Um my grandpa died like ten minutes ago."
"Omg Katie I'm so sorry."
"Thank you."
"No problem." He gave me a warm smile. I started crying hard knowing I never said goodbye or ever get to see him again, only when I die I will see him. Jacob gave me a huge hug and we started walking to my house. It was one of those neighborhoods that have a main entrance and then like has ten different roadies splitting off of the main one. We walked around the whole neighborhood until bright Katie realizes Jacob is my neighbor.
"Oh my god."
"I'm literally the stupidest person."
"No I live right next to you and I didn't even realize it oh my god."
"Seriously that's great!"
"I know right?!" I became depressed again. Uh no I'm gonna have a panic attack. Ugh I don't want Jacob to see me like this. I started shaking. Oh no no no no no. Stop Katie STOP!! Yes I'm yelling at myself. I started crying again as well. Then next I collapsed on the ground. I couldn't breathe anymore. It felt like my lungs were closing in. I heard screaming, crying, yelling, sirens, and people telling each other what to do. After I blacked out.
Katie's soul POV (if you have seen if I stay, it's when Mia was in the bed but her 'soul' was running around the hospital)
I woke up to a white and bright room. I sat up and looked around. People were crying. I walked out and more people were crying. I scanned the room. Jacob. I ran over to him and he was crying hysterically.
"Jacob" I tried again.
"JACOB!" I screamed this high pitched scream and no one heard it, no one reacted to a scream. Just then I saw grandpa. He walked over to me.
"They cannot hear or see you. Choose your time is now."
"Wait grandpa, what do you mean?"
"I'm saying you can come with me or stay with the people who are here, crying, sobbing, and weeping for you to come back."
"What happened to me?"
"Sweetie your in a coma right now." My heart dropped.
"What will happen if I don't come back?" He showed me and I cried.
"Your mom and dad will never be the same. They stopped loving everyone and everything, even themselves. Shawn misses you dearly and becomes hatred to everyone. Adam, he can't live without you. Jacob, even though you've known him since today, he literally cannot be alone so he wants to be with you, up here. That is it my dear, my time is up, choose wisely."
"Grandpa I love and miss you. Goodbye." I choose what I needed to chose and walked there.

Sorry, I don't share my best friends // Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now