How i met him

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This is my first story so it's probably bad. All the pictures I used aren't mine. This story is all my imagination anyways I hope you enjoy my story okay goodbye...

*alarm goes off* Ugh it's morning another boring day of hell! Alice said. Alice got up and got dressed didn't care putting on her makeup.When she walked to the bus stop she saw a guy she never saw him before he seemed lost. Alice walks up to the guy and says hello. The guy says hey. Alice got to know the guy his name is Luke and he is new to the neighborhood. Luke has brown hair and green eyes.Luke was in all of Alice classes expect of gym.After school, Luke and Alice hanged out. Alice showed Luke around New York. Luke said in his head gosh Alice is so beautiful I can't believe I have somebody like her in my life after everything I went through why would somebody like her want to be a friends with me? Luke kept staring at Alice. Alice started getting nervous and her face turned red. Alice says in her head omg why is he staring at alice do I have something on my face am I really ugly. Luke says in his head aw she is red and nervous aw she so cute damn I just want to hug her and kiss her. When Alice got done showing Luke around New York.Luke walked Alice to her house and Luke  said I'll see you tomorrow at school!

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