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The entrance to the docking bay opened, revealing a silver colored protocol droid. The droid greeted them, introducing herself as TC-14 before leading the three cloaked figures into the hallway. The youngest of the three scanned the hallways for any life-forms, frowning as she found that the hallway was empty. She followed the two cloaked figures being led by the TC unit, hastening her steps to catch up with her companions.

The protocol droid then led the three figures into a conference room, where the youngest figure was surprised to see that it was indeed empty. "We are greatly honored by your visit, Ambassadors." The three Jedi turned to the droid as she spoke once more. "Make yourselves comfortable, my master will be with you shortly."

And with that, the protocol droid turned to leave and the doors soon closed behind the TC unit. All three figures lower their hoods and turned around, the male Padawan quickly voicing his thoughts to his Master. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"I don't sense anything," Qui-Gon replied, as he didn't feel anything disturbing the Force.

"I don't either," the young girl said as well, squinting her eyes as she tried to feel whatever it was that was disturbing the man who was like a brother to her.

The older Padawan furrowed his eyebrows, his gray-blue eyes wandering the room as if he was trying to find the source of this uncertainty. "It's not about the mission, Master. It's something... elsewhere. Elusive."

The youngest of the three began to walk towards the conference table, leaving the Master and his Padawan to discuss this uncertainty Obi-Wan was feeling. She plopped herself down on one of the seats near the window, her brown cloak pooling around her feet as she did.

"Be mindful of the living force, my Young Padawan." Layna turned her head, her dark brown eyes landing on the beautiful green planet of Naboo just ahead. She has traveled to quite a few star systems because of her Padawan training, but she has never been to the planet of Naboo. She hoped that she could at least see for herself the beauty of the said planet, just as she had seen them in several of the books in the Council library.

"Yes, Master."

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan walked up to the window, gazing into the infinite vastness of space. The young girl rested her elbows onto the table, as she enjoyed the view of space from further away. "How do you think the trade viceroy will deal with the chancellor's demands?"

Obi-Wan's question caused the girl to turn her attention to the two Jedi, as she herself was curious as to how the Viceroy will react to the Supreme Chancellor's demands. "These Federation types are cowards," the young girl nodded in agreement. "The negotiations will be short."


The young girl tapped her fingers rhythmically on the table, her patience wearing quite thin as time continued to pass idly. She stole a glance over at the Padawan seated in front of her, who heaved out a heavy sigh.

The trio have spent at least thirty minutes waiting for the Viceroy to show so they can start the negotiations, but there hasn't been a single soul nor droid that entered the conference room after the TC unit left them alone. They were starting to grow suspicious, but in Layna's case, restless. She needed something to do other than just wait around for anyone to show up. She needed action, and she had to get some soon.

"Is it in their nature to make us wait this long?" the young Padawan asked, just as the doors slid open to reveal the same protocol droid who welcomed them into the battleship. TC-14 walked up to the men first, offering them drinks in small cups. Obi-Wan took one from the tray, sipping on the liquid inside the cup just as his Master took one from the tray as well. Layna was the last one to take the refreshment, thanking the TC unit as she took small sips of the refreshment as well, until the cup was no longer filled with the drink.

YOUNG BLOOD ( A. SKYWALKER ) [1]Where stories live. Discover now