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The brunette girl lowered her head in shame, her eyes trained on the floor as she listened to the Council discuss the decision regarding the Tatooine boy that Master Qui-Gon had brought back from his mission. Master Sola stood by the girl's side, her arms folded behind her back as she calmly looked over at the members of the Jedi Council, nodding her head every once in a while whenever she agreed with something a member had said, voicing out her opinions every now and then.

The Hale girl glanced over at her Master, whose piercing green eyes found hers when she sensed the girl's movement, and she immediately cast her eyes down on the floor once more. The young Padawan got an earful from her Master as soon as she got back, and she vowed to train the young girl immensely for the next few days, with challenges that would seem almost impossible for the small girl to accomplish. It was her punishment, her Master said, for sneaking onto Qui-Gon's spacecraft and embarking on a mission which was far too dangerous for her.

She was expecting an earful from the Council as well, but they quickly dismissed the issue regarding the girl's disobedience as she was a huge help in the mission and she did further her training while she was gone, which meant that there was no harm done. Master Sola didn't share the same opinion though, hence the severe challenges she was going to face due to her disobedience.

The girl had practically zoned out during the entire discussion, as this was meant for the ears of the Jedi Masters and Knights, but Master Sola did not trust the girl enough to leave her alone for the rest of the week. She demanded that she be present during the discussion, and the young girl had no choice in the matter.

"Then, made a decision we have," Master Yoda nodded, clasping his hands together as his golden eyes met those of the Council members'. Layna finally lifted her head, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of at least a hint of what their decision was supposed to be.

She knew that she should have listened during the discussion, but she could not concentrate at the moment. She was tired, exhausted even, but she had to push through it seeing as she, nor her Master, hasn't been dismissed yet. "Bring the boy in," Master Windu announced, and the doors opened after a few moments, revealing Master Qui-Gon along with his Padawan, Obi-Wan and the boy in question, Anakin Skywalker.

When Anakin caught the brunette girl's eye, he shot her a smile which she returned, and her mood lightened almost instantly at the sight of her friend. "Good luck," she mouthed at the blonde boy, and he nodded, shooting the girl a thumb's up causing her to stifle a giggle.

Anakin was brought to the center of the Council, with Master Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan standing a few feet away from him, as they presented the boy to the Council for the second time that night. The Council members exchanged glances, nodding at one another as if reading each other's thoughts.

"The Force is strong with him." One of the masters, Master Ki-Adi began, and Master Qui-Gon turned to the Master seated beside Master Yoda, bowing ever so slightly at him.

"He is to be trained, then?" Master Qui-Gon asked hopefully, with Anakin peering over at the Master behind his shoulder, swallowing nervously. He turned back around to face the head of the Council and breathed out a long sigh.

Master Windu was the one to deliver the blow, his expression calm as he informed the Jedi Master of the Council's decision. "No, he will not be trained." He shook his head slightly, and Layna found herself gaping, struggling to contain her disbelief upon hearing the Council's decision. "He is too old."

Master Qui-Gon rested his hands on his utility belt, staring at Master Windu in disbelief. "He is the Chosen One, you must see it." The Jedi Master gestured towards the boy standing in front of him, and the Council.

YOUNG BLOOD ( A. SKYWALKER ) [1]Where stories live. Discover now