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When the two Padawan along with their Master decided to follow the Gungan named Jar Jar Binks to the Gunga City hidden underwater in a swamp in Naboo, they definitely weren't expecting to be put on the spot like this, in front of their leader, no less.

As soon as they stepped foot in the Gunga City, Jar Jar Binks was arrested and quickly restrained by placing cuffs onto his wrists. The three humans were then presented to their leader, Boss Nass, as they were summoned by the Gungan himself.

Layna's dark eyes flickered around the room, taking in the peculiar structure of the walls and marveling at the sight of the fish swimming outside as they could be seen clearly from inside the room. This was her first time visiting an underwater city, and the young girl definitely didn't mind living in one after all, even if it is located in a swamp. She was so fascinated by the city that Obi-Wan had to capture her attention by placing his hand on her shoulder to snap her out of her little daze.

The Gungan seated in the middle of the five clicked his tongue, gazing upon the three humans standing in front of their council. It didn't take a genius to figure out that this was in fact Boss Nass, the leader of the city of Gunga. "Yousa cannot bees hair! Dis army of mackineeks up dare tis new weesong!"

Layna's eyebrows met in confusion, as Jar Jar's native tongue wasn't exactly that easy to understand if you weren't used to hearing it. And seeing as this is the girl's first time in Naboo, and her first time meeting a Gungan, she had slight difficulty translating the words of the Gungan leader. Thankfully, she wasn't the one who was supposed to speak as she was only an apprentice, a much lower rank of the Jedi Master present.

"A droid army is about to attack the Naboo, we must warn them." Layna turned to the Gungan again, watching as Boss Nass leaned out of his throne.

"Wesa no like the Naboo! The Naboo think they so smarty, day tink day brains so big!" Boss Nass replied, dismissing Master Qui-Gon's statement. The young girl did not know anything about Naboo history and culture, so she decided to just stay quiet the entire time, as she was afraid she might may something incorrect and jeopardize this mission.

The male Padawan left his place beside Layna, taking a few steps forward as he began to speak. "Once those droids take control of the surface, they will take control of you."

Layna nodded in agreement, but the Gungan leader didn't share the girl's opinion. "Mesa no tink so. Dey not know of uss-en."

Obi-Wan furrowed his eyebrows upon hearing the Gungan's reply, and he quickly voiced out a thought. "You and the Naboo form a symbiont circle. What happens to one of you will affect the other. You must understand this."

"Wesa no caren about the Naboo!"

Layna stepped towards the older men, her dark gaze fixated on the Gungan seated high up on his throne. She wasn't going to try and convince a Gungan to start caring about the Naboo, this wasn't part of their - Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's - mission. They only needed to negotiate with the Trade Federation to settle the dispute and bring balance to the Force once again. And she, of all people, knew that time is of the essence and the droids could be taking over Naboo right this moment. They needed to hurry. She waved her hand, just as her Master taught her and used the infamous Jedi mind trick on the Gungan leader. "Then speed us on our way."

"Wesa ganna speeds yous away." Boss Nass repeated, obviously under the influence of the mind trick, but only the three humans were aware of this.

Layna cracked a small smile of triumph upon seeing her succeed in using the mind trick, as this was her first time actually using it outside of training with her Master. She waved her hand again, and continued, "We also might need a transport."

YOUNG BLOOD ( A. SKYWALKER ) [1]Where stories live. Discover now