13 | Not Yet

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 Five days. One hundred twenty hours, that felt like an eternity. It felt too long since I had last seen Mathew without even saying goodbye which was what hurt me the most. 

Ever since Liam and I had been back to the Pack, everyone had taken notice of my sudden change. I wasn't the Alpha's daughter anymore. I was ready to be named The Luna and even though it was a huge step for the rest of my life, to me it didn't sound appealing at all. 

I shook my head and repeated the dialogue I had been asked to learn. In two days the ceremony would take place and my father didn't trust me to say the right words the Pack needed to hear. Now I had to learn them and it frustrated me even more knowing I couldn't even control what to say.

"I, Serena, daughter of the Alpha, from The Crescent Moon Pack promise with my heart ...uh, to be loyal, to be...was it honest? Shit, um."

"Serena." The lady in charge of repeated desperately. "Say it again!"

"I'm sorry." I apologized, trying to concentrate but the more I tried, the more it seemed my mind drifted away. Even more now that I knew the fight in between Liam and Ben, would take place not long after the ceremony. The thought of losing one of them for something so not worthy, made me want to scream in desperation. 

"Can we do this tomorrow?" I pleaded as I removed the flower crown they'd made me wear.

"Alright." She huffed and walked away. 

Agh! Why was this happening? 

I sat on the floor and hugged my knees. I wouldn't cry. I wouldn't let anyone see how much I was breaking apart inside. I hadn't even heard my wolf in the past couple of days, she was hurting. 

"Hey." Liam said sitting beside me. "How is the rehearsal going on?"

I turned to him, nearly in tears. "I don't know if I'll be able to do it. It's too much to take Liam, I.."

"Shh.. It'll be okay Serena." He said holding my hand, trying to calm me."Don't worry, you have me."

"But what about the fight? What if you lose.. what if.." 

"I won't."

"Why are you so sure? What about Ben?" I sobbed. "He is my friend too."

"The only thing that keeps me going is you. I want to see you leading us, turning us into one of the best packs of the West territory. And hopefully you'll let me stay by your side, as your Beta or as your mate. That's the reason that gives me strength to prepare myself, because I know what I'll lose and I don't want to."  He took a deep breath and caressed my cheek with his thumb. "I know you have already choose him, but believe me I'll always protect you. You have my word." 

I hugged him tight and buried my face on his neck. "Liam, if things had been different I...I would have chosen you."

He held me in his arms, both of us unaware of the curious eyes surrounding us. "I know, but I want to believe thing do happen for a reason. Now, come on. Forget about those lines, we should do something."

"Like what?" I asked as he led us to his car.

"I don't know, something fun. You in?"

I looked at him and he gave me a smile. "I..I think fun sounds good." I smiled back.

     By the time I arrived home, I was feeling way more calm and happy. No doubt Liam had distracted me enough for me to stop worrying about everything going on in my life. 

I closed the door and walked to the stairs when my fathers voice stopped me. 

"I see you are hanging with the Beta." 

I turned around and found him looking at me curiously, but his gaze showed no good intentions. 

"Yeah, he is the Beta. It's not like I won't see him at all."

"So you are still willing to let those wolves fight for you? You don't care?" He asked and my eyes widened in surprise. Was he putting off the agreement?

"What do you mean? You left me no choice."

"Serena you are intelligent young lady, you know who is most likely to win and who is not."

With that said, he turned around and left me alone wondering what the heck did he mean? Did he want me to choose Liam? 

I sighed in frustration, feeling like my father was testing me, playing with me. And I wasn't ready to end the game, not yet.

         As I looked myself in the mirror, I couldn't help the anxiety to take over my body. This was it, in less than eighteen hours I would no longer be Serena. The navy blue dress I was wearing making me look different, worthy of a Luna,  leader of the pack.

Mathew would love this dress, look at us..

I was startled by the sudden voice in my head. My wolf was back and I wasn't able to hold back my smile. She was right, I looked gorgeous and the fact that Mathew would never see me was disappointing. 

A sudden knock on the door, dispersed my thoughts.

"Serena?" Liam asked, stepping into the room. "Oh wow." He stood speechless, staring.

"How do I look?" I asked and tugged the dress down, feeling slightly nervous under his gaze. "Is it that bad?"

"Not at all." He said and walked to me. "You are stunning."

"Thanks." I blushed at his comment.

"Yeah, uh.. whenever you're ready. We are waiting for you."

"Alright, I'll be there soon."

"Okay, remember we have a big day today." 

I nodded and the moment the door closed, I sighed. I straighten up and review the words I would have to say.  

"Serena." The familiar voice made me turned around and gasped in shock. "I need your help, please."

As I look at the boy standing right in front of me, I couldn't help thinking something bad was going on. His furrowed eyebrows and the dark circles under his eyes, showed the worry. "Michael?" I asked as he shook his head, "Is everything okay? What are you doing here?"

"Serena, there's something you should know."


Hello everybody! 

I hope you are all doing great! And early happy valentines day! <3 <3 <3

I want thank everyone who has read so far, and especially @wonderphil for her lovely comments. You made my day! :)

So, what do you guys think about this chapter? Leave your comments down below. 

Don't forget to vote and share the story, pretty please!

I love you all..

Until next chapter 

-Isabelle xo

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