Chapter Twenty One

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Marcel POV

A couple of weeks had passed by and I finally arrived in Oxford University. It had been around a month or so since I left California. I got used to the time zone and got tours of Oxford. I received my dorm room a few days ago, though I am still unsure of who is my roommate. Harry left Cheshire a few days before me to visit Jennifer before he leaves. We decided every other Saturday we are going to meet up and catch up with each other. Kassidy and I haven't spoken as much as we said we would due to clashing schedules and time zones.

I walked into the dorm and noticed a blonde boy with blue eyes fixing his bed sheets.

"Hey, you must be the new roommate! My name's Niall, nice to meet you", he brought his hand out for a hand shake. He didn't have any English accent, he had an Irish one.

"Hey, I'm Marcel. Nice to meet you mate", I took his hand for the shake.

"When you're done unpacking, do you want to hang out with me and my friends for lunch? They are pretty cool lads!", he said and I nodded.

"Okay, that'll be great. This will just be quick." I said as I placed my clothes in my closet. I looked through the box I had brought and saw the picture Kassidy gave. I placed it on my desk right next to my desk.

"Is that your girlfriend?", Niall asked.

"No, she's my best friend", I murmured.

"Oh, well she's pretty. Do you have feelings for her? Or is this too soon to ask about your love life?", he laughed.

"Well, yes I do. We broke up because she's currently in school in America and I'm all the way here", I replied.

"Sorry mate, I didn't know."

"It's fine."

After I fixed my side of the room, I went down to the café with Niall. There I saw three other boys, all with different shades of brown hair.

"Hey lads, this is my roommate Marcel", he said," Marcel, this is Louis, Zayn, and Liam."

We all greeted one another and spoke about California and how they wanted to go there someday. They all seemed like smart lads, they were very sensible and my type of crowd. Zayn had a few tattoos along his arm, but I thought they were pretty cool to be completely honest.

Hey, I could like Oxford University.

Kassidy POV

It was September 2nd, 2013 and I got to the dorm to move my stuff in. The past few weeks, I lived with my aunt who is resided right by. I crossed my fingers on getting someone I can express my love with poetry.

I walked into the room and let's just say I wasn't as lucky as I had hoped.

"Hi, I'm Kassidy. Nice to meet you", I smiled.

"Um, okay? Well, I just want to clarify this, Kassidy, or whatever the hell your name is. Don't touch any of my stuff. Don't breathe on any of my stuff. Deal?", I gulped and nodded.

After unpacking my stuff, the tension between the unnamed girl and I was overwhelming as the first day of "college". To escape it, I decided that I should FaceTime Marcel to see how his day went. Yet, no reply. I tried again and he answered, thank goodness.

"Hey", I said as I heard laughing in the background.

"H-hi", Marcel said and laughed at who ever was in the room with him.

"What's going on there?", I asked.

"Oh, nothing. My friends just came over the dorm!", he said.

At least one of us is happy...

"Oh, well I'll leave you alone now. You seem busy."

"No, not really. Do you want to tell me something?"

"No, it's okay. I'll talk to you later. Have fun with your friends! I hope to meet them soon", I faked a smile and hung up.

That didn't go the way I hoped it would.


I slept quickly, before my dorm mate(supposedly her name was Michelle) had arrived. I then heard a male voice walk in along with her.

"Oh.....Zachary...", she said leaning on to his shoulder.

"Ehrm, what the fuck?", I said as I sat up against my headboard.

"You didn't tell me your roommate was hot", he said as he smirked at me.

"Get the fuck out of the dorm!Or else!", I demanded.

"Or else what?", he smiled and walked towards me.

"Hey, little prick! Get away from her! Why are you bringing her in this! You said you liked me!", Michelle said and grabbed his arm.

"I don't want you.... I want her."

"I'm calling the police if you don't get out! I am fucking serious!", I demanded.

He hissed and left the dorm. I was in complete shock with what just had happened.

"Ehrm...Sorry about that. I should've never brought him here", Michelle said.

I accepted her small apology and decided to talk to a counselor tomorrow. I have decided that moving away from what seems like a hell hole would be good.


Sorry,it's super short and not the best chapter out there! I've just been really, really busy with going on vacation! But, here is a chapter anyways! Excuse all the grammar stuff for now, I'll fix it when I get home.



Out of Reach: A Marcel (Harry Styles) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now