Chapter 14: She Always Was

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Chapter 14: She Always Was

"So, which one of you would like to explain first?"

My voice was sharp; no hint of sarcasm or humor like it usually held. I was pure seriousness, from my displeased frown to my perfectly pointed boots, and there was no denying that I controlled this room. I wasn't afraid to own my strength anymore.

Priscilla and Liam sat in my two office chairs, complete opposites of each other.

Liam's foot was twitching, his eyes nervously glancing to me and then Cassie, who was lingering near the door. He looked like a scared rabbit about to sprint to safety and I had to suppress a smile at the idea of being the scary hound dog to him, this muscled teenage boy who could probably punch harder than I ever would.

And then there was Priscilla.

From the first moment I'd seen her strutting around campus, I'd known we wouldn't get along. She was the kind of entitled Moroi that believed they owned everything and anything; she was the stereotype that made Dhampirs hate Royals sometimes. And she looked a hell of a lot like Lissa.

"I'm sorry, Guardian Belikov," Liam said, fumbling over the words. "I told her we should've waited until after class, but she kept pushing me and–"

"Shut up," Priscilla groaned with a roll of her icy grey eyes. "You couldn't keep it in your pants and–"

"Enough," I snapped, anger flashing in my eyes. Liam winced. "You both will be receiving three weeks detention."

Priscilla rose an eyebrow at me. "You can't do–"

"Starting tomorrow," I said louder, ignoring her and efficiently silencing her. "Liam, I expect you in my office by 4. Guardian Daniels will deal with you."

He looked to her, the deadly little Barbie who gave him an ominous smirk.

"Out, Carter," I growled at him. I'd never seen a boy move so quickly before as he scrambled out of his chair, nearly tripping over his feet on the way.

As he exited, a head of pixie cut, black hair came sweeping into the room. She walked with the gait of a Royal, and yet I always had the urge to remind her how far down she was on that totem pole. The Headmistress at her finest.

Headmistress Lazar and I were civil enemies; we peacefully disagreed on many things, but punishment was usually an area where we got along. Unless it was her stupid niece.

"Guardian Belikov, I see you've removed Priscilla from class," she said, going to stand behind the girl's chair. The smile on Priscilla's face resembled a demonic cherub.

"If by class you mean the ladies' room where she was fraternizing with a Dhampir and asking him for blood, then yes," I retorted, no amusement in my tone.

The Headmistress's eyes glared at me. "That's a very serious violation of policy."

"Three weeks detention," I continued, ignoring her jibe. "She'll be with Guardian Daniels and the Carter boy doing whatever I see fit."

"Auntie, that's so unfair," Priscilla whined, her eyelashes batting.

Headmistress Lazar looked to me and then Cassie, who was looking at her expectantly. Passed Cassie's blonde ponytail, I could see another head peeking around the door; Alberta was here and she was smiling proudly.

That was all I needed to keep pressing.

"Reporting her for coercing blood out of an underclassman was my first choice, but I figured this wouldn't tarnish her record as badly," I said confidently.

Priscilla's eyes darkened with frustration and, if I was correct, a little bit of fear. Now that Dhampirs had gained more respect and personal rights in our world, an offense like this was extremely taboo; being accused of it in high school was even worse.

The Headmistress gave me an irritated, tight smile. "Fine. Three weeks but I don't want her running laps. She doesn't have the constitution for it."

Priscilla huffed in outrage but wisely kept her glossed lips shut.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Ms. Lazar," Cassie said from the doorway, holding it open for the Moroi as they swished out, Priscilla whining once more and the Headmistress quieting her with a deserved pinch on the elbow.

As they left, Alberta came in wearing her reserved, proud smirk. It was as much emotion as she'd allow herself to show, but I knew it meant I'd done the right thing. I was doing okay by myself; I was being an "adult Guardian."

"Congratulations, Guardian Belikov," she said quietly as Cassie shut the door, closing out the rest of the world.

Cassie laughed and flopped into one of the chairs, her legs up on the armrest as she grinned at me. Alberta shook her head but took the other chair as I resumed my throne behind the desk.

"I can't believe our little Rosie is all grown up," Cassie teased.

"She always was, Cassidy," Alberta remarked. "She always was."

They spent the next hour in my office before Cassie had her last class of the day and Alberta had to retire for some conference call or other. Being alone in my office, I couldn't help eyeing up the mountain of paperwork on my desk with a frustrated glare. I hated this aspect of the job, but I couldn't complain about the rush being in charge gave me. It felt so right to have power again; it finally felt like I belonged here.

My eyes going between the file folders and the clock, I couldn't stop myself from shoving away from the desk. I couldn't do this without motivation, which meant Cassie pestering me to work.

I slid into my jacket once again and headed back out the door, easily moving across the campus. Some classes must have let out early as students were meandering around now, heading towards the cafeteria or their various extracurricular events. With the afternoon sunshine, everyone seemed to be strolling a little slower and enjoying the fall weather. I couldn't blame them as I fell into step with the rhythm of the hallway.

Weaving through the school, I found myself at the old dance studio tucked away in the arts corner of the Moroi Specialty wing. Some of the students nodded at me as I walked passed in my intimidating leather and black jeans, the silver stake proudly displayed on my hip.

I paused in front of the doors, peeking through the windows that provided glimpses of the little tutus prancing around inside. It didn't take long to find my daughter, the shortest among the bunch of lanky Moroi girls.

She could keep up with them easily, running their routine with pointed toes and graceful movements. Her limbs seemed to have a mind of their own as she dance and moved in ways even I'd never mastered. It was beautiful. But, the best part was, she was smiling.

The Academy really was the best place for everyone. 

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