Salina's First Mission

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"Kion, Salina Junja and his pack are attacking the gazelles." We followed Ono to where all the dust was and we found the gazelles. I tried to see if I could help but I felt myself get knocked into the stampede of gazelles somehow and I couldn't get away. "Hold on Salina I'm coming!" Kion shouted to me I ducked my head and crept trying not to get kicked I didn't want to not be of any help to Kion and the guard. Kion suddenly appeared right in front of me and I wanted to embrace him but it was too dangerous I couldn't see what was going on. Kion called out to Ono to try to find Junja clan and he did find them. Two of the hyenas were going to attack a baby gazelle that was staying away from the stampede. "Bashtie, Bunga go." Bunga climbed onto Bashtie and they saved the gazelle just in the nick of time. But me and Kion were in trouble we couldn't see and the gazelles were everywhere. I suddenly felt a chill, I sensed danger. I looked behind me to check on Kion but he was gone I couldn't find him. "Ono check on Kion, he's in danger I can feel it! " I yelled into the sky. "On it." I heard Ono say I then jumped as high as I could landing on a gazelle's back. I then jumped onto one after another trying to find my way to Kion I then jumped back to the ground and I saw him. A hyena who I assumed was Junja was getting ready to attack him. "Kion behind you look out!" Ono yelled then Kion was knocked to the ground with the hyena on top of him. I ran as fast as I could to Kion and jumped at the hyena. "Junja I told you to stay out of the pride lands."
"Really I seem to keep forgetting oof." Junja went flying off of Kion as I tackled him to the ground. "Keep your paws off of my Kion you stinking hyena." I said to him I then jumped off and let a gazelle kick him out of the stampede. Kion and me then all came out and the gazelles calmed down. "That's right back to the outlands go." Kion said as the hyenas ran off. "Ono fly ahead and make sure they go back to the outlands." Kion ordered Ono, Ono then flew after them but when he got to the hill some dust went into his eyes and he came falling down. I ran as fast as I could and caught him on my back he then bounced and landed on the ground saying bird down over and over again.

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