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"Hey maybe he can help." Pumba said as me Kiara and Kion walked up to him and Timon. "Go on shoo, oh yeah that's a great idea let the vicious outsider, hey wait I got an idea." Timon then jumped off of Pumba and started acting like the idea was his. "What if he helps."
"You wanna lend the voice roar work with me here." I wasn't really sure what he meant but Kiara showed me. "Like this." She then roared and the birds flew away. "Ye ha come on do it again." Timon yelled riding on pumba's back. I then roared making more of the birds fly and we all began running and chasing the birds. "Why are we doing this what's the point of this training?"
"Training this is just for fun." She said laughing. I repeated the word fun not understanding what she said I had never heard the of word. I tried saying ye ha along with them as we ran. I actually started to understand what she meant. This was fun, it was also thrilling and exciting I liked it. We chased the birds all the way to some rhinos laughing our heads off. "Uh oh." The birds then stuck their tounges at us and the rhinos got mad. We turned around and ran as fast as we could we were so busted. "Whoa, angry rhinos!" I heard Timon yell behind us. We then shoved ourselves into a cave. The rhinos ran past not seeing us and I felt awesome. "Ha ha what a blast!" As Timon, Pumba, Kion and the honey badger squeezed out of the little cave I came face to face with Kiara's nose. "Um sorry." We both said we then got out of the cave and I started walking with her.
Kiara's point of view.
"Hey Kovu I'll catch up I need to talk to Kion." Kion had been down in the dumps since Salina left to protect our family. He almost looked like he had died inside and I had been really worried about him. "Kion you okay?" "I'll make it, I just miss Salina." He then walked to pride rock to sleep he had been sleeping a lot lately.

Kion and The White LionWhere stories live. Discover now