The Dam Breaks

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"Vitani now!" Zira yelled at her daughter but she refused. "No mother, Kiara is right." She then walked beside me and faced her mother. "Enough." "If you won't fight then you will die as well." Zira said and everyone else went against her. They all walked to us leaving Zira alone. "What are you doing, get back here." But none of them listened to her. "Let it go Zira its time to put the past behind us."
"I'll never let it go." I then heard a crack from the dam it was breaking. "This is for you Scar." She then jumped at me but Kiara tackled her and brought her down a cliff. "Kiara!" Me, Nala, Kion, Kovu all yelled after her. Nala then warned me about the river. I started climbing down the cliff trying to get to Kiara.
Kiara's point of view.
I reached my paw out to Zira trying to help her. "Zira give me your paw." She tried to strike me almost losing her hold on the cliff. "I'll help you." But she started falling and she hit the water. "Kiara." I heard my father behind me and let him help back to my family. When I got to the top my mother and Kion all hugged me and then I nuzzled Kovu. "Kovu."
Kovu then walked to my dad and listened. "I was wrong you belong with us." He then turned to the other lions. "All of us." We went to pride rock and all the lions stood watching us. It was time for me and Kovu to be married. Rafiki shaked his stick above us and my father let us walk first. We stopped at the end of pride rock and my parents stood next to us. We all roared and the other lions roared with us. I looked around at Kion and he smiled at me and then he went back in pride rock. I followed after him and he just avoided me.

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