Chapter 1

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Alright, so this story is complete, but I'll be going back and editing it at some point. So just know this is a rough draft and I'm aware of the bad grammar/spelling/sentence structures. So just bare with me for now it will be fixed in due time.


Riding the bus is the ultimate walk of shame for anyone over seventeen. It shows off the fact that not only do you not have a car, but you also get to sit on the seat next to that one crazy guy because its the only one that's unoccupied. I was experiencing the ultimate walk of shame currently.

I slumped against the uncomfortable bus seat, trying to ignore the man who was arguing to himself very loudly and regretting my decision to not just stand. But of course not, I had to get a seat for whatever reason. And being the nice person I am, I couldn't move now because that would be rude.

I've always had a bad habit of putting others needs in front of my own, when I turned ten I got 50$ from my grandma which I spent to its entirety on random crap my sister guilted me into buying. Just like she'd guilted me into letting her use my car to practice for her driving practice, she managed to trash both the car and the driving test as well. Hence, the walk of shame.

When the bus finally reached my stop, I didn't hesitate to stand up and leave. Walking to the other side of the crazy guy revealed he was actually talking on the phone via Bluetooth. I would be relieved, except his free right hand was being used to pet a rat that was perched on his left.

My shoes hit the gravel with a crunch. The bus continued it's route and I began mine. Although I had ridden the bus a pretty long way, right to the very edge of my depressing town, I had to walk a pretty long way as well. My destination was a kilometre away from the bus stop. (A/N: sorry, Im Canadian so I have no idea how much that is in miles.)

I stuck my headphones in and hit play on my phone as I walked, I have no idea why I didn't do that on the bus. I was definitely regretting giving my sister my car, I could be listening to music at my destination rather than on my way to it if I'd just said no.

It took me forty five minutes to reach where I was going. By then my feet felt like they had melted and then burst into flames. I popped open the door, which was loud and creaky and I was lucky it didn't get stuck.

"Heey." I called out into the musky house, I was answered with silence. The others obviously hadn't arrived yet. Which was surprising since I was late. I pulled out my headphones and walked towards the dusty couch which I desperately needed to be sitting on. 

"Raaah!" I jumped as Mel popped up from behind a corner and made a loud noise to startle me.

She bent over laughing, "Oh my god Mack, you're face was priceless!" She exclaimed, gasping for breath. Mel had been there since we were both infants. We grew up together, played together, went to school together. We were the ultimate childhood friends. We still hung out. We just weren't quite as close.

"I'm so sorry, I told her not to!" Mel's best friend Claire, who by the way is the quietest girl in the universe popped up from where Mel was hiding along with Alec, who was my sort-of friend.

Most people in our school, teachers included, thought of Alec as some kind of delinquent. He wasn't, he just had a bad way with words. Even if he were a delinquent, it would make him similar to a huge chunk of the other teenagers in our town. That kind of just happened in places like where we were.

All four of us made are way to the living room, where I collapsed onto the couch. I could almost here my feet thanking me for relieving them of their pain.

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