Chapter 12

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The decision to kill Elaine was unanimous at that point. The only thing that hadn't been decided was how.

"She's a ghost!" Alec exclaimed halfway through our heated debate, "she died in the seventies!-"

"Sixties." Mel corrected. "And killed is more like a metaphor. I mean that we're going to kill her existence itself. Not her life which is obviously already gone."

"And how are we going to do that?"

"How would I know!?" Mel snapped.

"You're the one with all that creepy cult books and the weird candles! How wouldn't you know!?"

"Guys, we've got to be quieter." Claire said to the floor.

Alec immediately lowered his intensity.

Alec and Claire get along so well, I thought.

"It's pretty clear at this point that there's no way we can beat Adalyn, but how about her core personality?" Mel suggested.

"The one who didn't do anything?" I said dubiously.

"Yeah," Mel replied, "that one."

"Im not completely on-board with the idea of killing a 14 year old who's probably innocent," Claire began, "but it would be smart to look into her." Claire's face reddened when we agreed.

"Maybe she won't be able to do all that crazy stuff as Elaine." Mel suggested.

"About that," Alec said, "have you noticed she disappears whenever she makes objects float and stuff?"

Alec was right, when the fan fell down and when Adalyn dragged Holly off, she was nowhere in sight.

"Is that like a weakness?" Mel asked

"I think its more of a strength." I said, "she won't have to defend herself if she's not there."

"At least now we'll know when she's about to do some crazy supernatural shit." Mel said.

We all sat in silence in the corner of the living room, the place with the least amount of Gabriel blood splattered on the floor, contemplating what the hell we were doing.

"So we're really gonna kill her?" Claire said quietly.

"Yeah," Mel replied solemnly, "we're really gonna kill her."

"What about the law and stuff?"

"She killed Celia, Gabriel and Holly. And she trapped us in this house. Im pretty sure we could get away with it as self defence."

"Should we actually tell people about her?" I inquired, "will anyone even believe us?"

That left room for another gaping silence, interrupted again by Claire's timid voice;

"I can't believe they're gone."

"What if they're not?" Mel said, we looked at her in alarm. "What if it's like in American Horror Story where you die here and your ghost stays alive forever. It would explain what she's doing here."

"Yeah," Alec said dryly, "Evan Peters is probably in the kitchen right now."

"Ooh," Claire said enthusiastically, "that'd be nice."

Alec glared at her annoyedly.

"What?" She said defensively, "he's cute."

"Is that so?" Alec said, still annoyed.

Claire leaned towards him, her dark braid moving with her, and kissed Alec lightly.

"You're cuter though." She said, smiling.

I'll admit I definitely was surprised.

"What's with that face?" Mel asked me, referring to my gaping expression, "you knew they were dating, didn't you?"

"Yeah." I lied, "definitely."

I always kind of assumed Claire and Alec were really close friends, it hadn't even occurred to me that they might be in a relationship. I really was learning a lot more about everyone now that we were stuck together.

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