Chapter 7

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Mel reached into her giant-ass purse. Seriously, the thing was huge. If you looked around in it, I bet you could find an entire civilization of intelligent creatures living in the insides.

"Found it!" She called out triumphantly after quite a bit of rummaging.

She pulled out a large book from the depths of the purse. It was the kind you'd find at thrift stores, with its worn out spine and the pages so used up they were fraying. The title was 'Mysteries Of The Occult' and definitely did not seem like a credible source considering the situation.

"So we're actually gonna go through with this? We're gonna assume that she's a ghost?" Alec asked doubtfully.

"At least hear her out." I reply.

Mel flipped through the pages until she found what she needed. We waited in silence for her to start reading off it. Instead she skimmed it and closed it again.

"Basically, she's here because of unsettled business. We have to help her move on. Also there needs to be positive energy."

"Positive energy?" Celia asked.

"Its a good thing I've got candles." Mel replied, as if that even began to explain it.

"Are we also gonna dance in circles and chant as well?" Alec said sarcastically.

"Alec, come on-"

"No, I heard her out and I don't like it. If it doesn't work it's basically just suicide."

"Lets just try Alec." Claire said quietly, looking up at him.

Alec's gaze softened and he sat down in begrudging compliance.

I'd noticed this for a while, but those two got along incredibly well. Probably better than Alec and I or Claire and Mel ever did.

"So how do we start?" Celia asked after Alec had settled down.

"We need to find Elaine."

That was probably the deal breaker. Although the way Mel described it implied having to be in the same room as Elaine, we still weren't prepared for it.

"There's no way in hell I'm going near that freak!" Alec exclaimed.

"Shut up for a bit Alec." Celia said before turning to Mel. "If anything goes wrong and someone gets hurt, can you promise me you'll take full responsibility?"

Mel nodded.

"Alright, then we'll vote. Nobody is going through with this unless it's unanimous." Celia continued, "all in favour?"

Everyone, even Alec after some hesitation, raised their hands.

"Alright then, lets find Elaine."


The first place we searched was the kitchen. Although Mel and I had just been there, Elaine could easily have walked in while all of us were having our discussion. She hadn't. Or at least she hadn't stayed.

Next we all stood outside of and glanced into the eerie room with the chalk on the wall. We, at least I, hoped she wasn't there. I didn't want to go inside ever again.

After that we climbed upstairs, after again standing outside of and glancing into the room where Holly's body was lying. We'd also brought up Gabriel's body.

Looking into that room made me feel sick with both nausea and anger. Holly didn't deserve to die like that. Holly didn't deserve to die. And although he was a dick in his final moments and also during most of his life, Gabriel didn't deserve to die either.

Then we came to the final room. The bedroom where I'd confessed to Holly. And that's exactly where Elaine happened to be. She was lying on her stomach on the bed, reading a book with her feet kicking back and forth.

"It's awfully late to be visiting." She said without turning her head.

Mel lit the candle she had just placed on the floor, the gross smell of the incense filled the room almost immediately.

Which definitely got Elaine's attention.

"What are you doing!?" She exclaimed with her eyes wide. She shoved herself against the back wall in an effort to evade the candles scent.

"Elaine, do you really think staying here is going to do anything?"

"No! Get away!" Elaine yelled at Mel.

"Do you think your parents would want this?"

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!"

"Your dad regrets what he did. Don't you want to forgive him?"

Elaine shrieked so loud we all had to cover our ears. Then the lights all blinked off, as did the sound.

We all sat still, only the light from the candle allowed us to see one another.

"I think we did it." Mel said cautiously.

We responded by not saying anything.

"Let's get out of here for now." Celia said.

We all slowly stepped out of the room, Mel took the candle with her since the already impossible electricity had turned off.

With only the flickering candle as our guide, we moved towards the stairs.


The terrifyingly giddy voice caused Claire, who was standing closest to the stairwell, to stumble and almost fall. Except Alec caught her arm first.

We all whipped around. The moment Mel completely turned around, the candle illuminated Elaine's facial features. She looked as eerie as the chalk covered room.

My heart surged into my throat when she smiled at all of us. It was rather sinister, it was similar to the expression she'd had while she was shoving Gabriel's face into the fan.

"You know what?" She said happily. "You idiots are the funniest people."

My heart was beating so fast I felt like it would jump through my ribcage and run off inti the sunset. Assuming the sun was setting. Maybe it was rising. There was really no way to tell with our lack of phones and the boarded up windows.

"But next time, you should think about a few important things." Elaine continued.

She pointed her index finger at the ceiling in the form of a one.

"First!" She called out. Shocking us with her sudden change of volume. She displayed  an even wider smile before finishing the sentence.

"Im only kind of Elaine."

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