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During lunch, Isabel decided it was time for her inner social butterfly to spread her wings and fly. She looked for the table that Joshua sat at. Eventually she noticed Joshua and his very large group of friends. Immediately Isabel started to feel nervous, but she knew she was going to have to face her fear one day or another. Maybe I should go back to the bathroom, yeah that's what I'm gonna do. Isabel thought to herself as she turned around and started to walk away. "Isabel! We're over here!" Called out Joshua. Fuck, he noticed me. She walked over to the table and Joshua introduced her to his friends. There was Bryan, Charlie, Megan, Tiffany, James, Veronica, Jimmy, and Daisy. Isabel stood quiet as always since she didn't know what to talk about. Daisy then started a conversation with Isabel, "So, you're in Joshua's math class?" "Yeah, I am" "How do you like it?" "It's alright I guess, I don't like math, but I'm pretty good at it" "You should join the mathletes, they are a math group that goes to competitions with other schools" "That's not really my thing, I'm too shy for that" "You should open up more, highschool is much more fun when you have friends, but anyway, you want to get lunch?" "You're right, but um no I actually bring my own lunch" Isabel answers nervously. "Oh, okay, well I'm going to get lunch, be back in a few" As Daisy walked away, Isabel started to feel even more uncomfortable, she didn't know anyone at the table besides Joshua and none of his friends besides Daisy made an effort to have a conversation with her. Isabel just sat in silence until Daisy came back and when Daisy came back was when Joshua decided to talk to Isabel. "So, how do you like sitting with us at lunch?" Isabel let out a nervous laugh, she didn't really know how to respond. "Well, it's not what I'm used to" "You are welcome to sit with us everyday, and yeah I know it's a lot to ask but I'd really like if you did, you can get to know us and we can all become really good friends" Isabel didn't want to pass up an offer to make friends, she really wanted friends, she just didn't know how to approach people.

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