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Charlie and Isabel had an amazing time together at the park, creating new memories with one another that they would be able to cherish in the future. The two friends had been able to embrace their inner child by playing games such as tag, hide and seek, and hopscotch. Isabel was grateful to have made some amazing friends that would keep her happy and make her smile. Charlie had walked Isabel home that evening. "Where were you young lady?" Keyla had said with a stern tone in her voice. "Oh, mom, I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you, I went to the park with my friend Charlie after school, I lost track of time" Isabel had responded. "Do you see what time it is? It's ten o'clock Isabel Galori. You know your curfew is seven thirty. Why weren't you paying attention to your phone? I called you ten times Isabel" "Mom, I'm sorry, my phone had died, but on the bright side I had such a great day" "You didn't even start your homework I bet, get your ass in your room and do your homework, don't even dare to wake up your sisters or brothers, when you're done with your homework go take a shower and go to sleep. It better not take long either. You're grounded" Keyla was really upset with Isabel. It was Isabel's first time disobeying her rules. Yeah, such a great day, up until now. Isabel didn't dare to back talk her mother and did exactly as she had ordered. The one time I come home late and she starts bitching, I mean seriously why is she so mad? She needs to calm her tits because she's out of control. She didn't even care about the fact that I had a good time with my friends, she only cared that I didn't do my homework.

The next day at school was a complete disaster for Isabel. "Hey Daisy, ugh you're not gonna believe what happened to me last night" "Girl, what happened?" "Charlie and I were hanging out and I came home late so my mom grounded me, now we can't go to the mall today like we planned because I have to be home straight after school" Isabel rolled her eyes. "Aw bummer, I was really looking forward to buying you a miniskirt. You really need to stop wearing jeans" Daisy let out a giggle. "I'm sorry Days but I'm not really in the mood for jokes right now" "Listen, don't worry, as soon as you're not grounded anymore, we'll go shopping, my treat" Daisy had tried to cheer Isabel up, but it wasn't working as well as she thought it would. Charlie had met up with the two girls in the hallway. "Hey girls! How do you like my outfit?" Charlie spinned in a circle while showing off his new outfit. "It's nice I guess" Isabel had said. "Aw, baby what's wrong?" Charlie had asked. "She got grounded last night and it's all your fault mister" Daisy had teased. "Oh, live a little, aren't you glad you finally broke the rules? Doesn't it feel good?" Charlie asked Isabel. "No, no, it doesn't feel good, stop trying to make the best out of the worst situation, I'm not in the mood okay? I'm known as the good kid and I hate getting in trouble so do me a favor and not let me get in trouble for punching you in the face!" "Ouch, somebody's grouchy!" Charlie said with fear. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I'm just upset okay, I'd rather not talk about it" Isabel explained. Before the friends had got to class, Isabel noticed her sister Lilian in the hallway, she was with her best friend Mariah. "Hey Lil, look it's your dork of a sister" Mariah had said. Everyone in the hallway besides Charlie, Daisy, and Isabel had laughed. Isabel felt her blood rush to her cheeks, she was so embarrassed and upset that her cheeks turned bright red. "Shut the fuck up Mariah, none of your friends actually like you, they're wannabes, just like you" Isabel had said out of built up anger. No one would have pictured Isabel to stick up to someone like Mariah, Isabel was just so fed up with everyone that she had to take her anger out on somebody. Mariah just happened to be the one to test her patience. "Excuse me bitch? What did you just say to me? Oh hell no. Lilian tell your lame-o sister that she's a loser and I will beat her ass" Mariah had threatened. "Why don't you just do it then? You're all talk and no action" Isabel said. "THAT'S ENOUGH! I HAD IT WITH YOU MARIAH! I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND ANYMORE! IF YOU CAN'T ACCEPT THE FACT THAT SHE IS MY SISTER THEN I CAN'T BE YOUR FRIEND. WE MAY NOT BE BLOOD RELATED BUT SHE'S MY FAMILY. SHE IS MORE IMPORTANT TO ME THAN YOU ARE! NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I BEAT YOU UP FOR BULLYING MY SISTER!" Lilian had shouted. Mariah ran off with a sad look on her face, she knew that she had messed up big time. "I'm sorry Isabel, I'm such a horrible sister. I was putting my friends over you, which wasn't right. I know we might not be close and that's my fault, but I just want you to know that I love you, and you can never be replaced" Lilian apologized to Isabel while giving her a loving hug. "I love you too Lilian" The bell rang and everyone who was in the hallway was now late and rushing to class. "Sorry guys, I got to go!" Isabel said as she was speed walking toward her next class. Two doors away from her classroom and Isabel heard a voice. "Stop right there ma'am!" She turned around to see the dean Mr.Matthews behind her. "Oh, sorry dean Matthews, my class is right there" "Well, young lady, you're still late, so I'm afraid that I'm going to have to give you detention" "Detention?! But I've never had detention before, please Mr. my class is rig-" "What's your name?" "Isabel Galori sir" Dean Matthews had wrote up a detention slip and handed it to Isabel. "Three o'clock Galori, don't be late to detention or I'll add another day" Dean Matthews had said. Great. Just fucking great.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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