Drawing prince

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People say that I'm good at drawing,

They always asks me for a drawing

They ask me the most ridiculous drawings

And claim them like they have drawn them

Later I stopped with drawing,

but there is one exeption


That godness...

that I stopped drawing

didn't mean that I don't like drawing anymore

Since the first day on this school

I have a desire

To draw her...


I repeated those sentences every day, they speak to me for some reason. I really like them. But it's silly, I'm one of the most useless boy's from this school. Still, I carve for that godness. I should be grateful that I have chances to talk to her every day. ridiculous, isn't it? I am greedy, I want more. If I was a deadly sin, I surely would be greed. Thinking about her in my head isn't enough, after a few years, we will go to different school and probably never see each other again. Before that happens, I want a drawing of her. I want never to forget her, I am scared. Scared that I will forget the most beautiful thing on earth. Sometimes when we are talking in a public place, I always see jealous glances being pointed our direction. I would always chuckle by their sight. Even though I would be punished when she has to attend her business. But it is always worth it.

Worth it to be her...


People say that I am beautiful

That I deserve the best

That I should date that show-off of a guy

but I carve for something else

Like a rock

but when it shows it's true identity

I think people are foolish

to miss this diamond between them

Worst of all mistreating him

Why is he always smiling when I meet him?

Am I not the cause of his suffering?

But it doesn't matter

Today he's mine


I walk over to my desk, after this boring lesson I will be with him... him... I carve to see him. But I don't think I deserve him, such monster like me doesn't deserve an angel like him. But still my greedness is taking over me. I should be happy with his magical drawings. If only he could have a magic pencil, he could draw anything. I admire his work, unlike me. He could move the pencil like he wants. After school, we would be alone. Because I suggested that. I can't wait, to show my affections to him...


Let our fun begin!


Excited she skipped through the hallways. The school was empty within a few minutes. Everyone must be desperate to leave this horror-place. She also is. She would never even like it a little. The only reason that she came to school was to see him. Serve him a smile, even though she was the cause of his suffer. Maybe she will also be able to drive it away then.

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