Ch14-Over reactions or typical truth

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••••• sy's PoV •••••
I was currently walking past Nicoles bedroom with my washing when I heard small sobs .

I ran with my clothes to my room and ran back .
I put my ear against the door and it slightly opened . I froze , standing still  so I wouldn't get caught.

" ugh stupid wind " Nicole grumbled .

Phew .....

" anyways ... So then what?"
" the prick , kissed me ..."holly scowled with a small sob .

My fingers instantly formed into a punch position .
Who kissed her?...

"No way ?? .... God damn .. And then ?"
Nicole sighed .

" he was acting like it was all okay again .. Like nothing ever happened ... Like he never ...."

She instantly started crying hardly , to the point where her voice was cracking and you couldn't hear what she was saying .

I peeped in to see Nicole pull her into a hug .

" did what he did to you ... Yeah I get you " she reassured her, rubbing her back .

What did this guy do ??... Whatever it is I'll punch his heart out .

" and then he wanted to watch a movie and I was all like ... Awkward and the more I thought about it the angrier I felt ... I just got up and stormed off .. Kian was like .. "What's wrong "and I said "since when do you care ?" And I just gave him an annoyed , sad look and slammed the door and ran home ..." She sobbed more and more .

" shh.. Ahhh it's fine .. I don't even know what that lad was thinking ... He's so bipolar  " Nicole groaned .

" there's people out there better than him you know ...." She continue .

" ok  STOP .shut up about Sy !" Holly sighed angrily .

Wait what?...

" sorry sorry , just saying . Looks like he likes you .." Nicole lightly giggled.

She what ? I what .. She ... How ..... How did she know ....

" look ... All I can say right now is... I'm thankful for not telling him why I had to talk to you ... And thanks for not already telling him ..."
Holly frowns , wiping her eyes .

" what the hell..." I mumbled .

" did you hear that ?"
Holly looked at the door , I pulled back and stayed quite mentally slapping my face .

" nah "
"Right "

" tell him what exactly ?..." Nicole quirked an eyebrow .

" that its Kian .... That he has done extremely bullying on me ...." She sniffles .

I know who that bastard is ... The guy at the party . Yeh him .... He kissed her ? AND bullied her ?

This boys life is going to be ruined .

Just as I go to listen again ,
Holly steps out of the door .

Looking at me confused .

" Sy?....." She turns away so I can't see her face .

" Uhm hi sorry I was just gonna offer you guys a cup of tea .... Are you ok Holly ?" I turn her face to look at me .

" be honest "

She frowns and looks desperately for words but can't find things to say .

" did you hear any of that ?..." She groaned.

" maybe a little ... But I'll kill that Mother Fu-" holly interrupted me .

" don't call him that " she slightly snapped .

" what after all he's done to you ... You want to talk politely about him ?" I quirked an eyebrow in annoyance .

" yeah ... He's not all bad "

" and how would you know that " I laughed .

" because I knew the good him , before he changed . He was an Amazing person " she sighed .

"Ha. Ok well he's different now , so you can't say anything good . "

" yes I can "
" nope , he can't be called anything good " I was getting  annoyed at her now .

"Yeah "
" no"
" Sy.."
" don't ...."

Holly then looked at me with disgust in her eyes .

" you're a real prick when you want to be ..." Her eyes began to become watery

" I CAN AGREE ! Now leave her alone ... Let's go holly "

" where are we going !?" She questioned as Nicole dragged her downstairs .

" away from this asshole anyways, you have enough problems in your hands , you don't need another  " she glared harshly at me as she pushed holly out first and slammed the door behind her .

I stood at the top of the stairs ,shocked at the whole scene .

I start walking down the stairs and as im half way down , Holly runs inside .

She grabs a small purse -type - bag that she must a have left behind .

Just as she goes to leave she notices me .
Stares at me for a few seconds , wipes a tear off of her eye and gives me an ashamed , frustrated look before slamming the door ,

I run down and look out the door window to see her .

Walking down the driveway with her head in her hands ,following Nicole . just as she goes around the corner she takes one last look at me and shakes her head .

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