Ch18- forgetting to remember

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* kians pov *
~beep ~ beep ~ beep ~
There goes that god damn annoying noise again what is it?
Slamming my fist on the table , I drop my phone in the process .
As I bend down I see wheels on a bed .
Wait where am I?
I look up to see Holly laying soundly asleep on a hospital bed .

Shit.. last night ..

I find a clipboard in a small box at the end of the bed . I read the information on it .
First name : Holly
Age : 17
Cause of visit : Brought in unconscious, signs of concussion , bruising on neck.

Everything suddenly came back .
I strangled her until she was unconscious !!
She barely did anything oh my god.

By now I was punching the wall in aggression.
A nurse came running through the door .
" HEY! STOP! You could pull the BiPap out of her lungs !" The nurse yelled . I turned to see holly Hooked up to a BiPap for her breathing .

" wha-why?.. is she hooked up to that "
" she was barely breathing , needed the help . Who are u? Family ?" The nurse questioned me sternly .

"Family friend I suppose , I think I brought her here? What time is it ?"

There wasn't a single working clock in the room ,either that , or it was 4am and dark outside .

"6:30pm , oh you're Lawley? You filled out this visitors sheet , you've been here for 3 hours , you fell asleep I presume ?but you wouldn't tell anyone how she became unconscious , we need to know ... it's vital information " the nurse awkwardly glanced towards Holly .

" someone strangled her ..." I scratch her the back of my neck .
" and by someone do you mean you ?" The nurses eyes narrowed on me .

"N-No!...I-I'd never .... just is .. is she ok?"

" she'll be fine " the nurse exclaimed ,

"just needed oxygen for a couple hours. She can be woken soon. I contacted her brother he'll be here soon "

" thanks ... shangela ?" I looked at her name tag ... or for so I thought I was a her . Drag queen I guess ? I can tell by the look of pleasure on his face when I said his name correctly .

.....SHIT JAMES , Awh man I gotta get out of here , he can't know I was there or else he'd know I did it.

Her dad left as I was walking upstairs to her room so that's why I came to the hospital alone . He was gone back to work (more ).

" K-Kian?...." holly said sleepily , she was beginning to wake up.

Shit " uhm no im a nurse .. do .. do .. do " I awkwardly said in a deep voice while running out of the room .
I saw James and hid behind a nurses desk , she looked at me weirdly .

" OH I'll only be a minute just shush" she scooted her office chair away from me a little bit and mumbled something but I couldn't hear .

James didn't see me .
He went in and was talking to Holly , she looked over in my direction out of the front window in the room . I ducked down but still kept my sight .

She rolled her eyes and said something to James , he turned around to look and I ducked again .

But he shrugged his shoulders , did they see me ? Or do they even know it's me ? Do I look like a weirdo hiding behind a tiny desk ??....... Yea that's probably it .

I go to throw up my hood when I hear . "Yo Kian?" James called in confusion .
I hurriedly jogged out with my head down as though it wasn't me , if not just to get away from him .

I took one last look behind me and noticed he had walked back inside Holly's hospital room .

I'm screwed , too screwed ...

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