chapter 2

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William's POV

So when I arrive at home I say my goodbyes and walk through the door. "Hey I'm home" I say, then my   mom replies with "Hey we need you to make dinner." "That's not fair, you guys are completely capable of making dinner. You have no right to call me away from friends just so I can make you f*ckin dinner." I explain. "Yes we do, and watch your language."

"No you don't have a right and I'll say what I want, especially when you let sissy hang out with her friends all the time, and I don't cause I'm always to busy taking care of your petty needs." I say with extreme anger in my voice and storm off to my room. 'god they are so lazy, why can't I never get time to do what I want without them interfering' I thought. I grab my phone and call Kiya.

      Phone Convo 

K- 'Hello'

W- 'Hey it's me' I say with sadness and anger in my voice.

K- 'Hey Will, whats wrong? she says sounding concerned.

W- 'nothing just got into a fight with my parents.'

K- 'Oh! so do you want to talk about it?'

W- 'No, but do you think we could hang out tomorrow?'

K- 'sure, but may I ask why?'

W- 'I need to do a couple of things before I leave for LA'

K- 'Oh, ok what time do you want me to come around.'

W- 'around 6:00 a.m.'

K- 'Ok, but why so early?'

W- 'The reason its so early is cause once I get everything done that needs to be done I'm leaving for the airport.'

K- 'Ok, well see you tomorrow'

W- 'Ok, bye.'

K- 'bye'

and I hang up the phone and just mess around a little to calm me down.

       -2 hours later-

I've slowly started to pack, making sure I have everything I need. Once I have packed the last of my clothes I hear a knock at my door, which causes me to put my suitcase in my closet, and say "Come in" it was my dad. "Hey are you alright." he asks. "I'm fine, I just want to be left alone for the rest of the night." I say a little annoyed. "ok" he says then leaves. After he left I finish packing then climb onto my bed and instantly fall asleep.

      - next morning -

My alarm goes off and I look over to see that its 5:30 in the morning so I thought ' that gives me enough time to right the note and wait for Kiya.'. Writing the note was difficult because it had a lot of emotion in it. Once it was finished I lay it on the edge of my bed and look out the window to see Kiya pulling up. So I climb out the windows with my bags and get into the car, when Kiya asks "Hey you ready" "yes I am." I say sound really excited. Then she asks "where to?" "first lets get something to eat."  " where do you want to eat?" she asks. "how about Ihop" I say. " that sounds good she says, and with that were off to Ihop.

Once we've arrived we look for a booth and sit down, then we order. I order a full breakfast which consists of pancakes, french toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, and hashbrowns. Kiya orders a stack pancakes. Once we've placed our order Kiya asks "What are we going to do today"  "Well, once were finished eating were going to go get me contacts, then were going to the bank to deposit my check, and finally were going to go get me a labtop." "Ok sounds fun. So how much do you have for the trip." " I have about 12,000 dollars" " Damn thats alot." she says shocked. " I know but it gives me enough breathing room to last 2 months out there." I say. Then our food arrives and we eat and talk about what I'm going to do on the trip.

Kiya's POV

So once we've finished eating, Will and I head to best buy first to get his labtop. When we get inside I say "I'm going to go look at the CDs, so let me know when your ready to go." "ok" he says, and with that I'm off the CD section.

Will's POV

So when Kiya leaves, I go looking for a labtop and find the perfect one. It's a Hp with a 2 gb hardrive and 500 mb of memory. So I grab it and grab a case for it along with a bunch of accessories I'll need for it then head of to the CDs. When I get there I ask kiya " so did you find any CDs." "no, their selection here sucks, so you ready to go ." she asks. "yeah" I say.

       - 2 hours later -

so we've finished everything on my list and now we're headed to the airport. "Thank you for doing this for me Kiya." I say. "No problem, I hope you have fun, and you better call and text Ok." she says. " Ok I will" I say as we arrive at the airport. When she parks I get out of the car and get my bags and head to the front counter. The clerk says " How may I help you" "One ticket to LA." and with that I'm off to LA.


sorry i havent updated i've been very busy and i know ross hasnt been introduced yet and im sorry but next chapter he will be in and then the real love story may start. thank you and i would really love feedback so i can improve this any way possible.

-patrick :) 

(on hold) Forever and Ever (BoyxBoy, Ross Lynch love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora