After the Meeting with Jim
Kaycee: so what was that about?
Bryan: possibly touring and doing the music thing ...sooon
Kaycee: oh ok ..thay's dope .. I'm happy for you what about school?
Bryan: Honestly, Carnell is the only one that was into it. His heart is with music as well but college was more of a back up plan for us.
Kaycee: oh I see....
Bryan: Baby
Kaycee: huh?
Bryan: I miss those lips.
Kaycee: kiss me then
Bryan: Ok pulls he bball shorts off
Kaycee: I thought you wanted to kiss me
Bryan: oh I am pulling her panties off
Kaycee: oh sh-t closes her eyes
Bryan: comes back up for air lol and kisses her and places his fingers inside her. Then starts licking and sucking on her neck .. then moves his freehand on her breasts and start to torture her left nipple lol
Kaycee: bite me .. and hard
Bryan: bit her nceck and kept multitasking but stopped to watch Kaycee's face as she had an orgasm... beautiful !! Want some more?
Kaycee: maybe later goes to the bathroom to get herself together
Kelly: so you already know!?
LaBree: yeah Carnell told me .. and Ya'll are really talented btw I wish all of you the best and much success
Kelly: see I knew there was a reason I liked you
LaBree: laughs
Carnell: Baby....
LaBree: yes...
Carnell: I always wondered why Carter acts like your mother mor than your sister sometimes
Bryan and Patrick joins them and sits down on the couch
LaBree: well I admire you guys and the close relationship you have with your friends, immediate and extended family. Our dad is an alcoholic so he wasn't really in our lives. Our parents got divorced after some infidelity issues. We were raised by three women, our great-grandmother, grandmother, and our mother. My great- grandmother was like my best friend and she passed away from Ovarian cancer. My grandmother she was never happy unless she had money in her pockets so we never got along and out mother left us for some man. We promised eachother that we wouldn't leave eachother or lose ourselves to something or someone and let us take control over us to the point where that's the only thing we think about.So Carter took what she had and w.e she needed to take care of me and her. This retired couple shared their blessing with us and gave us a large sum of money because they they wanted to see us succeed and the saw so much potential in us . That's how Carter started ill Minds, Me i got scholarships and stuff to go to school and w.e else those didn't cover. and I bought a car. She really acts like that because I've gone through alot. I lost my virginity to a rapist on the state's most wanted list . I didn't want to tell anyone at the time but somehow she had her way of finding out about it .. and the guys I were involved with after that ..they used me and put me in some really crazy situations. That's why she's kinda hard on Carnell.