Free Yourself Pt 3

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 Carter : oh hey Dustin I didn't realize I left  the door was open 

Dustin: yeah anybody could have just walked up in here, How are you doing ..

Carter: I'm good I guess. Little sis been schooling me ..

Dustin: oh Word!

Carter: yes idk where they found that thang but she is my sister

Dustin: laughs glad to see that you're in a good mood ...

Carter: well I took a week off so ... yeah .. what's up?

Dustin: Nothing just wanted to check on you

Carter: oh well thanks appreciate it 

Dustin: so how do you feel?

Carter: fine I guess.. I'm still progressing ...

Dustin: meaning?

Carter: that I'm not where I want to be ..But I'm a work in progress and eventhough we won't ever be together again ..I want to thank you for being such a good friend

Dustin: Ever again? that may be reaching ... but  I know for sure just not now ....  and no problem I believe in you ....

Carter: thanks .. Hey you want to watch a movie with me

Dustin: sure .. I have time


  Kaycee: so LaBree left you for the babies

Carnell: smiles yeah   I'm a little jealous

Kaycee: aww ... do you think  she wants one 

Carnell: see you trying to start something ... I don't think she wants one now tho

Kaycee: Ya'll will be great parents when ya'll do .....

Carnell: laughs  yeah  in a few more years ..

Kelia: screams

Aja: Hey Bryan I found your twin ....points to the duck

Bryan: playfully pushes her ...and the ducks come  closer to them

Aja: oh sh-t ..runs

Kelia: laughs and then realize the ducks start waddling towards her too with an angry look on their faces  Mommmy .!!!!!!!!!!  jumps into Kelly's arms

Carnell and Kaycee Laughs 

Kelia: that's not funny folds her arms and pouts

Raven: laughs  let's go play on the playground....

Aja: yeah I'll blow bubbles with you .....

Bryan: you look like you would do something like that

Aja: hush up Bryanna 

Kaycee: laughs and shakes her head 

Bryan: yo Kayce can I talk to you for a min ..

Kaycee: sure what's up

Bryan: we haven't really  had a good convo...we're still friends 

Kaycee: yeah we are ...what's up

Bryan: nothing .. I heard about Marcel ..I know you like him..really like him ..don't let a good thing go unless you are for sure 

Kaycee: look at you ...

Wish I didn't love you - A B5 storyWhere stories live. Discover now