LaBree: Look I don't know what you're doing here or why you are here but this is a bad time. We are having a baby shower for my friend so, if you leave me your contact info and/or what hotel you are staying at we can meet up at a later time... That's if i decide to talk to you.
Mom: her smiles turn in to a frown and she pulls out a knife
LaBree: wth?
Mom: you had Marcus arrested and he is now gone.. you took him from me..Marcus was my man
LaBree: then why was he with Carter? you sent those pictures?
Pasian calls the police in the background and gets up to get the girls....
Mom: yep....draws knife ...
LaBree; kicks the knife out of here hand and throws it somewhere in the grass.... she some how ends up kicking her in her nose and now they are rolling around in the grass ...and the girls ran outside trying to get LaBree off of her until the Police came....
They arrested her mother and took her into custody. Turns out she escaped from a "psych" ward
An hr later
LaBree: sorry about your baby shower
Pasian: It's not your fault.. here have some cake.... It might make you feel a little better not really knowing what to say
LaBree:turns to Carter did you know Marcus was with mom too?
Carter:looks down yes
LaBree; then why?
Carter : to get back at her ... plus he was too young for her and i didn't want you apart of the drama.. So I kept it from you...
LaBree: 1. you've been keeping tabs on mom 2. you went through abuse and all that to just get back at her? 3. anybody with her is bound to be crazy .. you know what !? for some reason.. I'm not even mad you . I just think you're pure crazy... I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree....
Carter: Ok I slightly was crazy but when Dustin came into my life .. I realized alot of things and rearranged my thought process...and realize that alot of things were just bringing me more pain...
LaBree: that's why you're so worried about me .. make sense b/c you have all the issues.. but just stop talking . I can't even wrap my head around any of this. I need a drink and I don't even drink. I have questions that need answers... I can't deal with this right now ...grabs her keys and go to her place
The girls get all their things and head to their place they invite the guys over and tell them what happened.
Dustin: confused this can't be the same Carter.... I
Kelly: this is too much
Carnell: I'm going to go check on her ...
Kaycee: she doesn't want to talk...
Bryan: I wouldn't either
Carnell:opens the door to her room Hey
LaBree: Hi
Carnell:lays next to her and pulls her into his arms Baby...
LaBree: just hold me. I don't want to talk. I have a headache...
Carnell: Just don't push me away...comforts her as she falls asleep