Birthday Suit

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                           Few days later -LaBree and Pasian's birthday at the Boys' House

Everyone: Surprise...

Pasian: OMG!!

Patrick: runs up and hugs her 

Carter: where is LaBree

Raven: she wouldn't come over  she didn't want to be disrespectful....

Dustin: this is for her too.. but yeah It's kinda awkward

Carter: yeah maybe I should go get her... kisses Dustin be right back


Carnell see LaBree sitting on a rock in their backyard

Carnell: Hey

LaBree: Hey

Carnell: Happy Birthday

LaBree: thanks

Carnell: Look, gco

LaBree: she's pregnant?

Carnell: yeah

LaBree: oh, do you think it's yours

Carnell: I hope not .. I'll find out in 2 mths when I get a DNA test

LaBree: those are expensive

Carnell: yeah up to  2 grand .. but I made a mistake and I have to own up to it and take the responsibility

LaBree; Yeah sadly

Carnell: so are you and Khleo?

LaBree: No!  with an attitude

Carnell: I miss you

LaBree:  yeah

Carnell: This really hurts

LaBree: something you have to deal with ...

Carnell...... I'm gco

LaBree: Look, I love you and I always will but I just can't deal with this right now...

Carnell: I understand pulls her into his arms and kisses her 

LaBree: deepens the kiss and puts her arms around his neck


Raven: awwww...

Kelly: look at you being nosey.... (grabs her waist and kisses her neck

looks to see Carnell and LaBree kissing ...

Raven: I think they are meant for eachother

Kelly: yeah but it's going to be a while before they get back together

Raven: why?

Kelly: They're just in the moment

Raven: yeah you're right

Carter: I stopped by ya'll place and she wasn't there ... What!? sees the same thing but they have pulled apart

Dustin: let them handle this, my brother has made a mistake he deeply regrets..let them work it out...


Carnell: damn I really miss that

LaBree: well don't get use to it

Carnell: I'll wait forever and a day  until you're mine again

LaBree:  I'm always going to be yours as tears start streaming down her face sees that she has an audience so quickly rubs her eyes

Wish I didn't love you - A B5 storyWhere stories live. Discover now