Chapter one: 'Depends'

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"Oh honey, look look! There's a wall all around the campus to prevent kids from going out" my mom shrieked in excitement.

That was the last thing my mom said before abandoning me at a boarding school in the middle of nowhere.

Now I was here, resting my arms over my chest as I patiently waited for Sarah- the receptionist to find my administration file. I could've sworn it's been almost half an hour since she started looking.

"Gosh, where could I have put it?!" She groaned in annoyance and scattered the papers everywhere. I swear she has issues. She froze for a second before her eyes shot towards me. "Now, where have you been? Weren't you supposed to be here two hours ago?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at me. I grinned naturally. "Traffic" I perched my lips together simply lying through my teeth.

Normally I'm not the type of person to lie through my teeth but I don't think she needs to know exactly about the goose chase my brothers went through with me and almost getting done by the cops while my mom fainted and ended up in hospital which all at the end was a fake stunt. Uh..let's just say it was a long day.

My butt suddenly vibrated alerting me that I have a message on my phone. Mum: Hope you're okay sweetheart, we love you....really..! Love Mom&dad x.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes before shoving my phone back into my pocket. We have completely different views when it comes to love. My type of love isn't being send to a dumb ass school without your own will. Did I mention I'm the youngest and only girl in a family of three older boys? Yeah it should make sense now.

"Ah, look what I found! Finally!" Sarah moaned with joy whilst holding up my papers in the air. I sighed in relief, I don't think I would've managed her for any longer. "Here" she said handing me the papers. "Your classes start from tomorrow onwards, here is your timetable schedule and all the other information you may require, enjoy your stay!" she said, smiling before returning back to her work. I managed to mutter a thank you before shuffling off to hunt for my dorm room. Well this is going to take a while. Since I can't read maps.

Half an hour later and I'm still lost. I can't believe I didn't pay attention in geography class but rather gawked at the popular guy in school. I deserve this punishment.

For a moment I closed my eyes and prayed really hard that this was a terrible nightmare and instead I was in my bed watching Orange is the new Black season 2 on netfli-

"Hi, you alright there?". unfortunately I was brought back to the harsh reality by a terribly handsome voice. I fluttered my eyes open to come face to face with - whoa who is this guy? He had dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes. His lips twitched into a smile which caused me to blush deeply.Did I mention that this guy was really good looking? no? yeah must've slipped my mind.

"H-hi" I stuttered, cursing myself mentally. I wasn't use to guys talking to me. "I'm assuming you're new here right?" He asked "I mean I could never forget a pretty face like that if I see one". Damn this guy knows how to play his balls right. unfortunately that just puts me of, and his good looks were not making up for it. "Uh, yeah I am" I replied back, tutting at his epically failed flirting. He grinned and smoothly snapped his arms around my shoulder. "whoa there buddy, we ain't that close just yet" I quickly said before dropping his arm away. who does this guy thing he is? do I look easy or something?

"I'm just kidding" he laughed. "hey, why are you here so late? its like 7pm right now". I smiled at him "it takes 5 people and 2 cops to get me here" I said. I wasn't lying. He looked at me as if I was crazy. I can't blame to guy, I do sound crazy. "you can tell me more about that next time" he laughed "but right now tell me where your dorm is, I'll guide you there". I pulled out the scrunched out paper from my pocket and gave it to him. "201" I said.

His cheery smile dropped and his eyebrows furrowed together. "That is not a good sign" he mumbled, scratching the back of his head. He seemed disturbed which did not give me a good vibe about this room. "Is it that bad?" I asked, biting my lips, crossing my fingers and toes secretly hoping he isn't about to say that it is and that the room is hunted and I will die. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit here. "depends" he simply said before grabbing my things and heading towards the elevator. Now I wasn't going to have 'depends' as my answer so I pestered him all the way through our journey and even when we did reach my dorm room, I still pestered him. The guy probably hates me right now.

"Why can't you tell me?" I whined like a child,pouting my lips. He chuckled and shook his head, "go" he said " you'll find out what I mean". I sighed and threw my head back in defeat. "Fine" I moaned "Thanks for the help".

He smiled and winked before walking off. hold on a sec, I don't even know this guys name. My stupidity is high right now.

I finally managed to open the door after almost kicking it open then realising I have a damn card. Like I said, my stupidity was high.

The moment I opened the room, the disgusting smell of dirty socks hit me hard. I was not expecting this at all. the room was a mess. At the left side of the room there was two single beds side by side only to be separated by a bed side cabinet. one of the bed contained a huge amount of laundry and the other had no covers on it, that's probably mine. At the right side of the room, there was a small kitchen where dirty plates were left in the sink for God knows how many days. Straight ahead was door which I was guessing is the bathroom. I blinked a couple of times trying to take it all in.

Why the hell is my roommate so messy? like how hard is it too keep something clean?. I shook my head in annoyance before closing the door behind me. At the same time, the bathroom door slowly opened. I smiled and looked up ready to be face to face with my new roommate who I will be spending the rest of my stay together.

"Hi-" I paused.

Of course I was expecting to be staring at my lovely roommate but instead I happen to be staring at a half-naked guy in my room staring back at me. Now I did what a typical girl who finds a random good-looking half-naked guy in her room would do, throw the nearest object I could find. A hockey stick .

Maybe not the best idea since he dodged it and looked as if he was about to murder me." what the heck are you doing?!" he snapped at me.

"me?!" I asked " what the heck are you doing in my room?". The nerve on this guy to ask me what I was doing. He moved his head back slightly and chuckled. a deep chuckle.

"Your room?" he asked cockily, "I think you'll find that this is my room". I snorted and held back my laugh. why in the world would a guy be sharing a room with a girl, I mean that's absurd- then it hit me. Oh God, This isn't what 'depends' is right?

"But- but you're supposed to be a girl?!" I finally managed to utter. How did anyone expect me to share a room with a fully grown man for God sake?!

"As you can see" He said pausing for a moment before trailing his hands down his body as my eyes shamelessly followed"I'm a guy".

Oh God. Oh God. what sort of joke is this?


Hi guys!

Thank you so much for reading this.

This is my first story so its not great but I will try harder to make it good!.

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thank you so much again!

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