Chapter two: naked runs,misunderstanding and partying

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"excuse me" I said, before turning around and leaning my head against the door. I mentally screamed and slapped myself trying to get over this. I was having a serious mental conversation with myself that I hadn't even notice him sneaking up behind me.

"now if you're finished" he said causing me jump slightly "please leave my room. I had enough of these stalking"

wait what? does this guy seriously think I'm stalking him? seriously? I laughed dryly. I wasn't going to simply allow a random guy who happens to say that he is my roommate and then accuse me of being a stalker get away with it. "Stalker?" I began "Says the pervert  who's standing half-naked in a girls room!" I finished before throwing my head back and hitting him in the face. Usually I'm not the type of people who hits others but this guy was an exception.

He growled loudly and stepped back. This was my cue to run.

"You little-"

before he could finish his sentence I grabbed the door handle and flew the door open and my legs automatically sprinted. Now if anyone saw me right now, the'd probably think I'm faster than Usain Bolt. My fear was my motivation.

"what the fuck was that!" he yelled after me and I swear his chasing me right now. I turned back just to get a glimpse of a half-naked guy running after a girl. Yup, that seems legit. Note the sarcasm.

Obviously I wasn't anywhere near Usain Bolt because in a split second, I felt a hand wrap around my waist and the a strong force pulling me backwards. Didn't gravity only work downwards?

My back collided with a hard surface and I ended toppling over on the floor. Now it took me a few minutes to realise what was going on.

In seconds people were standing over me while they laughed and whispered to each other. it wan't just one or two but at least 10 people. They looked both shocked and amused at the same time.

"Move out of the way!" a woman's voice rang through the crowd of people and a tall middle-aged woman appeared. Her face formed into a shock expression and she gasped. " Oh my.."

It finally hit me that they were all looking at me and I couldn't understand it. I turned my head to the left to see what that heavy feeling was only to come face to face with the guy who was chasing me. His arms tightly wrapped around my waist. We both looked down only to see that his towel wasn't exactly covering him up like it should.  My eyes widen in horror. I've never paid attention when it came to 'sex education' classes now I'm regretting it. If I was a bit used to it I wouldn't be acting like I am now. After all its not everyday you find a naked man sitting besides you.

I looked up at him again and screamed at the top of my lungs. My heart rate shooting up and my hands automatically covering  my eyes.

"I..didn't se-see an-anything..I-I..didn't see an-anything" I whispered to myself.

"shit!" The guy grunted loudly before shuffling and fixing himself. His loud chuckle boomed through my ears. Why the heck is he laughing?

It seemed as if we were in that position for a long time but it must've been only about 20 seconds.

"What is going on here?!" the woman finally spoke, looking furious. I looked up at her and broke into smile. "I can explain" I said "it's just a big misunderstanding..really".

"Try getting out of this one" the half-naked guy chuckled as he whispered in my ear. I glared at him before looking back up at the woman.

Her facial expression didn't change a bit. The more I thought about it, the more I realised it wasn't as easy as I thought. He was right, how do I get out of this situation?

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