Chapter three: bad smell and the boys shower

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"You know, you'll regret it later"

That was the last thing I remembered before waking up the next morning with nothing but my bra and panties on and an almost naked Kai next to me sleeping peacefully.

Now I was hiding in the toilet which I shouldn't be doing but I had no choice. I gripped onto the bed sheet that clung around my body which I practically stole from Kai while running off leaving him....Revealed.

I banged my head against the door, knowing I'll probably end up with a huge lump there but I had a bigger crisis. What the heck was Kai doing in my bed? Scratch that why heck was he naked in my bed?

I had a vague memory of last night and both of us being semi naked doesn't help either. I sighed heavily. So this is what a one night stand feels like.

After what seemed like forever, I realised I couldn't stay in here as much as I wanted to. I had a class to attend and my mom will definitely kill me if I don't get there on time.

I slowly opened the door and peaked at Kai who was sleeping peacefully like he had no concerns. bastard

I grabbed my clothes and quickly put them. At one point I was so busy watching Kai making sure that he doesn't wake up I put both of my legs through one hole and tumbled over. My stupidity is beginning to appear more often. After getting changed and brushing my hair with a fork I found lying around, I glanced at Kai for a final time before sneaking out.

Closing the door ever so slowly, I was finally able to breathe. I took in a deep breath only to realise I stank like shit. I mentally cursed at myself for not taking a shower while I had the chance too. Now I'm going to stink for the rest of the day and probably ruin the chance of making any friends.

I blame that jerk .If only I didn't agree to his stupid bet I wouldn't be waking up almost naked without any memories!

As I was lost deep in my thoughts, I didn't realise that someone was probably screaming at me.

"Hey!" a guy screamed from across the hallway causing me to jump. Oh God, I thought that was Kai trying to murder me. Ok I'm exaggerating a bit.

"You scared me!" I yelled at him as he approached me.

He grinned cheekily "sorry"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. It was the guy from last night.

"you alright?" he asked "you were knocked out cold last night, I thought you were dead" he chuckled.

I was? Does that mean nothing happened?.

"do you remember anything that me?"

He shook his head "besides the fact that you were out cold? Nah" I sighed in relief.

"but" he began causing me to hold my breath in anticipation. He paused for a moment trying to recall his memory while I continued to hold my breath. Not a good idea

I gasped for air as I started to attack him, flapping my hand about against his arm.

"Are you waiting for me to die before you tell me?" I asked, regaining my breath.

He chuckled "I was trying to rememeber, and I do. I have a weird memory of you taking your clothes of"

My jaw dropped in shock. I did what now? OK whoa he must be getting ahead of himself right now because I was not the type to be taking my clothes of unless I was drun- oh God I was drunk last night.

I slapped my hand against my forehead, feeling the sharp sting.

"Ouch, you okay?" The guy asked in concern.

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