Remeber the day you died?

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Do you remember the day you died? I remember when I did. It was December 7th 2015, about 4:00 PM. I didn't tell anyone but someone found out anyway. The night I died was filled with tears. Tears... And then silence. This silence was different from the others. It stabbed at me and wrapped around me like a serpent. It crushes me even in my dream... And in reality. It acts like a parasite, it feeds on your every emotion and replaces it with that serpent coiling around you. Every day it wraps around more and more. But it never kills you. Ever. The serpent entered my dream that cold night. It tried to comfort me with its lies. And I listened to it. I unintentionally embraced that dreaded serpent.

I sat on a branch of a tree. Lewa sat on the branch above me. He told me to relax and think so I did just that. He told me coming in contact with a Skull Spider could result in severe mental damage. So I sat on that branch, alone with my thoughts. I sat there for days. Weeks maybe. When I finnaly hopped off the branch everything apeared different. Darker.

Lewa and his Toa team looked different too. They were slimmer and more sliver. I asked them what had happened. They told me an evil being known as the Lord of Skull Spiders has taken over the universe and killed-...

They stopped. Everything stopped. And got darker. And darker. And darker. Until there was only darkness. I heard whimpering coming from behind me.

"He will pay... He will be killed..."

I turn around. "Hello?"

"NO!!! KEEP AWAY FROM ME!!!" It shouted at me and hid its face with its hands. Long horns protruded from its head, eyes glowing a fiendish yellow illuminated its face. It was scared beyond comprehension.

"LEAVE ME TO DIE ALONE!!!" It shouted again. It started to cry. "I have been betrayed and killed already. Just let me die alone."

"What happened to you?" I asked the creature.

"H- h- he. HE BETRAYED ME!!!" It shouted at me. His mechanical spider-like legs constantly rattling like falling pans.

"Who? Who betrayed you?"

"THE SERPENT!!! IT WAS THE DREADED SERPENT!!!" He began to whimper again. "The serpent left me here to die."

"Who are you?" I asked him.

He paused and gave me a look of pure shock. "You- you don't know who I am?" He bent got really close to me face. And then slowly walked away, his back facing towards me. "I am Darth maul. I was apprentice to the most powerful being in the galaxy." He turned back around. An evil grin on his face.

"How long have you been here?

"Years, and years, and years. Through victory my chains are broken! Chains. Chains are the easy part." He began to whimper again as he pointed to his head. "It's what goes on in here that's hard!" He gritted his teeth. "Always remember I am fear. Always remember I am hunter. Always remember..." He began to sob. "I am filth. Always remember I am nothing! It has been so long and my path darker than I ever dreamed."

"What happened to your legs?"



He got up close to my face. "JEDI!"
He began to mumble. "I must ask for mercy, master. Mercy is a lie. A delusion of the weak to make themselves strong. I ask not for mercy... I would rather not like I am through the filth, THROUGH THE GRIEF!!! JEDI!!!" He pushed me against a wall. "I ask for revenge."

He let me go and wondered off with his head in his hands. I heard him scream out. "KENOBI, YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!"

Everything began to change again. I was on the room where I started this dream. Only there was blood splattered on the wall right of the doorway. On the ground was gun a note attached. It simply read "Sorry."

Voices began to flow through my head. Voices that weren't my own. Embrace it. Feel the anger, and hatred, and pain. Feel them build up inside and do not let them go. Hold on to them end let them be your downfall. Let them decay you.

I listened to them. All of them. And once I accepted what they said... They were gone. All but one. It said one last thing. "So, you, too?" And it was gone.

I held on to it though. It felt good to hear it. It warmed me like someone I Knew.


I listened to it again and again. Until finally it too stabbed at me. But I didn't let it. I began to ignore it.

I still hear it in reality. I ignored it for a very long time. But now- about three months later- I finally let it in again. And now I'm in love with it. But I know it will never love me back ever again. And so it stabs at me.

And I let it.

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