The beginning

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The wind was blowing hard that night, I felt its cold lick on my cheek. But I'm inside. How is this possible? I look around. I'm sitting at a laptop. The window is to my left and the door behind me. This isn't my room. How did I get here? My mind fills with so many questions... And then silence. Complete silence. A silence unlike any I have experienced. I let it crawl into my ears and embrace it. Let it control me, let it comfort me. It felt like a friend I knew for a long, long time. Knew.

The door was opening. I scrambled to find somewhere to hide from whatever was opening the door. But I found nowhere. So I remained in the chair where I sat.

The door opened. A young woman stood where the door was, her hand still holding the handle tightly. Her mouth was moving.

"Skull." She said. Skull? What does that mean? "Skull." She said again. She kept repeating that word. Over and over and over. She wasn't stopping. Her mouth wasn't moving with her words. They were saying something else. "Far above, far above: We don't know where we'll fall." I know the rest of this.

Without hesitation I finish the words forming in her mouth. "Far above, far above: What once was great is rendered small."

The girl stops. A smile forms on her face as she leaves and closes the door behind her. What was that about?

I look down at my feet. They're on a small wooden stair. I'm sitting on a bench. I look up to see my best friend- who looks to be about 26 now- leading some kind of religious ceremony. I can't hear what he is saying.

I turn around. There looks to be about 200 people here. I turn back to the front. A man dressed completely in black with a hood that covers his face completely in shadows stands in front of me. I jump back. What is going on? How did I get here? My mind continues to race to figure out the answer to these questions. The hooded figure points behind me with a boney hand. I turn around. The people are gone. I'm in the middle of a desert. A box appears. Not an ordinary box. I've seen this one countless times before. But where? Where have I seen this box? A big blue box shouldn't be too hard to forget. Right?

I read the markings written in white on it's small black surface. They pop out at me.

"Police public call box."

If I open this box, maybe I'll find out where I know it from! I run towards the box and pull on the handle. The door comes flying open. An entire world is on the other side. I walk into the box, the door seems to automatically close behind me. This world looks like it consists entirely out of metal!

I appeared to be in the middle of a city. A massive statue of a figure wielding a cannon that looked to big for him to carry stood in front of me. I inspected it. Two spikes protruded from his back. His face wore a menacing look. His chest was large and coated with lines and an insignia that I knew very well. The Decepticon insignia. I was on Cybertron. In the middle of a civil war.

I turned around. Jets zoomed across the dark sky carrying massive missiles. Soldiers charge into battle, their guns blazing and faces filled with determination. Each one wore the same insignia. It wasn't the Decepticons. It was the Autobots! Well, not exactly. They were the Wreckers; an elite team of Autobots who accept the missions considered "too dangerous."

Leading them was the great Ultra Magnus. His massive battle-axe shining in the dim sunlight of the dying planet. Bulkhead and Wheeljack stood directly behind him. While Wheeljack threw grenades at the Decepticon soldiers, Bulkhead smashed them in mid-air to increase the blast radius and knock down the Decepticons. That is where Springer comes in from the sky and bombs the stunned Decepticons.

"Impactor, Roadbuster, Topspin, Twintwist, Whirl: It's time. Combine to form Ruination!" Ultra Magnus shouts orders at his Wreckers.

"You heard him, Wreckers!" Shouted the fiercely loyal Springer as he sliced through a Decepticon with his sword. "But you need to take down Shockwave's lab!"

The Wreckers combined into a five story tall monster. They ran toward the massive dome that was Shockwave's lab, crushing any Decepticon in their way underfoot. When they finally reached Shockwave's lab they let out a massive roar and smashed his lab in one incredibly fast blow. It was so fast that it created a sonic boom so large that Ruination fell apart killing Impactor and Roadbuster.

The sonic boom was so large it knocked me off my feet from where I was standing. When I recovered I was no longer on Cybertron. I was in the middle of a jungle. My mind could not take this anymore. I fell to the ground, the mud staining the white shirt I had on. This box is messing with my head! Or am I even in the box anymore? My brain starts to hurt. I punch the ground only to hit my hand on a solid metal object.

Curious, I got up and dug around it. It was some kind of big metal insect. It was two feet long and had an incredibly boney structure to it.

"Be careful with that, my friend-buddy!" A voice came from behind me. "That is a Skull Spider! It will destroy-kill you in a second!"

I turned around to greet the being from which the voice came from. It was a tall green robot with golden wings.

"Thank you."

"You are welcome. Young-little one."

"Who are you?"

"Me?" Asked the robot. "I am Lewa. A Toa-hero!"

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