Chapter 6:

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The concert was about to end and surprisingly The Weeknd sang another song making every one scream louder than the other times.

It was 'Wicked Games' That was a good song to end the show with I thought to my self.

Me and Kimmy rushed back stage and wondered around hopeing to see The Weeknd. Kimmy left my side and went to talk to the band.

I felt 2 light taps on my sholder " Hey their beautiful" A voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw The Weeknd. "Hi"

I said with a smile on my face trying not to scream and make a scene.

"I heard you shouting, did you enjoy the show baby?" he asked me.

Baby? OMG I couldn't belive my ears. I dozed off from my inner excitement, "You did?" I asked as I turned red as fuck. I continued "And Yess I loved the show"

"Yes you sounded like a little angel. I'm glad you liked it" he said looking deep into my brown eyes.

I calmly responded a little laugh .

He looked into my eyes then to my mouth and back to my eyes.

It almost seemed like he was reaching for a kiss. I looked at his mouth also I was so tempted.

He held my chin up making me look into his dark brown beautiful eyes. At that he kissed me. I didn't reject it and I kissed him back.

"Abel who is that?" "is that a fan from the audience?" "Are you dating her?" that's all I heard and saw flashes from camaras.

I stoped kissing The Weeknd acting like it was normal for me to kiss famous people.

"When can I see you again?" he asked me

"Im not sure" I replied.

He pulled out from his pocket his black IPhone 5. He handed it to me and I looked at the screen it was on the dial pad "Can I give you a call maybe later? Me, Lamar and the boys are throwing a party tonigh?" he asked me

"Yeah thats fine" i said as i put in my number 214-6**-***."See you then" I said giving him his phone back as I was about to start to walk off.

He grabbed my hand stopping me from leaving and he gave me a hug.

I hugged him back breathing hard from my nose he had such a comforting smell you could just get use to easily, it was a mixture of cologne and weed.

I let go and left.

I went to look for Kimmy and told her what happend. I couldn't believe it, she couldn't either it was all so damn crazy. We rushed home and got their around 1 in the morning. We freshend up and waited for The Weeknds call .

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