Chapter 19:

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Kahlea :

I felt my self get numb from my neck, this drink was really kicking in. Alyssa dragged me to the vip area and convincing me that the restrooms would be closer. "Hey can you take me and my friend a picture?" Alyssa asked some guy that looked just like LaMar but I couldn't really distinguish his face. He took us two pictures and then I offered him to take a picture with me. "Alyssa take a picture of me and him now" I told her. "Ok" she replied. I asked the guy "Do you mind a picture with me?" "No not at all who's going to take it?" He said and I replied. "My friend here Alyssa" She took the picture of me with that guy and then he offered to buy us drinks. Well they where shots. You know I might hit up that guy again next time I come here haha. Yup I'm tipsy......

Alyssa :

My friend Mike gave me two ecstasy pills and told me one was for Kahlea. This night will be the best night ever for Kahlea. I shouted "Hey Kahlea come here" she responded "Yeah, what happened" she responded and I said "You down to pop some ecstasy?" "Girl I'm down is it flowin' in the club?" Kahlea responded. " Yeah here..." I said as I handed her the pill.

Kahlea :

Ok I'm kind of drunk but I'm not that stupid. I took the pill and acted like if I swallowed it. She thought I swallowed it so I just strolled around to look for the restroom . It took me a while to find it though. I got inside and looked at the mirror, straight at my face and thought to myself "I have to behave I'm giving a really bad first impression to Alyssa" I took a quick picture and put it on twitter, with no caption.

I got favorites and what not but I just want Abel to see it and find me. He'd make my life way easier.

I walked towards a stall and flushed down the pill, I can't believe this. I'm a "friend" to Alyssa and all but come on I just met her and she offered me a drug. I chuckled at the fact that, that reminds me of Kimmy.... oh how I miss that bitch.


I saw that one girl walk into the lady's room, that was my chance to see her face and take her home. I grabbed a bottle and walked over to the restroom and just started to drink straight out the bottle. She was taking a while she must be throwing up. As I waited out their some fans spotted me an asked for pictures and I couldn't say no. Fuck where's Cash when I need that nigga.... Right after we got to a spot where people weren't at I saw the restroom light strike out and their she was this girl with a goddess' body. She caught everyones attention.


As I walked out the restroom everyone was looking my direction .... not awkward at all. I need to find me a chair or something ... I thought to myself as i walked out the restroom to find somewhere to sit , so i did, i found a little sofa and looked through my pictures and looked closely to the pictures I took with the LaMar lookalike . "Omg he is LaMar !" i surprisedly thought in my head. That guy was LaMar he was identical, I need to find him Abel might be here.. . "Where have you been? I been looking for you everywhere!" Alyssa asked me all worried . "I got lost on my way to the bathroom" I said. "Oh ok you scared me their for a little bit, do want to go dance ?" She asked me. "Yeah I'm down for it lets go" I response once again to Alyssa.

Abel :

I took so many pictures with these fans that I didn't have the chance to get at the girl in the reddish dress. I walked over with LaMar and Hawk to a booth watching the dance floor , right then and their I spotted that fine ass bitch , I would walk around her and make her want me like any other girl would. But I chose to stare at her lowkey .

It's been a while and the club was getting lit. "Aye Hawk lets go get some hoes" I yelled out to Hawk steady starring at that one female. "Aight fosho! LaMar let's go down to the dance floor!" I heard Hawk yell. "Hold up let me get a blunt" LaMar yelled as he walked toward us.

LaMar :

I was way to gone to function but for a second I saw an XO necklace, and an original . "Those hoes ain't out for sell yet, the fuck?" "Holy shit that's the girl Abel was with in Dallas" "Why she here anyways ?" I thought in my head . "Yo Abel where's your XO necklace at?" I asked Abel. "Some girl has it in Dallas, why? " Abel replied , "Cause you ain't warn it in a while" I said. " Yeah, some girl got it but she's in the city dawg" Abel replied to me. " Yeah I know and I think I just found her" I told Abel . "The fuck you sayin bro?" Abel said with a blank look on his face. We walked towards the crowed smokin fat ass blunts and then I felt a heavy as arm hold onto my elbow dragging me towards the exit. And Abel was right behind me with another big security guy. They got us out the club and told us to leave before they called the cops because me and Abel where smoking weed inside.

Hawk :

I saw LaMar and Abel get dragged out the club so I followed them and they were on their way to Abel's crib. " Aye hol'em up niggas I'm goin with y'all" I yelled at them.

Abel :

We walked over to my place an then I told LaMar "Bro wtf you tipped me out with that Kahlea shit" , " nigga I swear I saw this one chick with an XO necklace and I knew that it was her I just new it was and I think she took a picture with me" LaMar said. "Nigga if I find out it was her I'm gon'whoop your ass nigga she mine " I said "Haha yo short ass ain't got nothin in me" LaMar said, "Nigga we'll see" I said. "What the fuck y'all talking bout man shut the fuck up why y'all trippen over some bitch? Is her pussy that good?" Hawk said , "nigga I fell in that pussy and didn't want to come out, it felt like heaven but then I pulled out cause goddam....." I said looking up at the sky. "Nigga you sound sprung over open your fucking door you need sleep" Hawk said as we walked in my apartment.

We walked in and crashed the fuck out..... And I think we left the door wide open......

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