Day 5.5 "Bloody Words"

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Rules for Ultra Circle,

One: Don't exit the circle.

Two: Must be in creature form or have items for attack/defense

Three: Everything else is aloud.


My closes shredded apart well I shifted into my creature side, bones cracked and broke but I didn't feel a thing. It felt so good to change in to my creature, I let my shoulders roll and stretched my back out.

"That's a big kitten," Daniel said well looking at my black fur coat.

"That's a panther and a huge one at that," Patricia looked at me shocked.

"And that guys is the card Fire had up her sleeve," Riley smiled and looked between me and Welles.

Then like a snap of a rubber ban Welles try's to take the jump on me, I don't dough him but run right under his legs almost flipping him.

His paws slam on to the floor when he landed making the room echo with sound. He turns around and growls, I give a hiss and lash my tail around in warning.

"Get her Welles!" Rash yelled and Kenneth started cheering Welles on.

Riley and Patricia watched me like a biology project under study, Palma on the other hand texted on her phone. I can feel the love from my friends, sarcasm.

I almost got hit by Welles paw from side traction, time to get my mind into the fight.

I ran past Welles and clawed down his side, he yelped and try to tackle me.

falling on to my stomach only to jump to my feet and fling him off my back.

Then like the person I am turning around and started attacking fast and small. I would claw or bite him then jump away, he was panting when I stopped and blood covered his fur and my paws.

"Welles I hate to say this but you may need to forfeit," Kenneth said well watching Welles breath heavily.

Welles growled and started pacing back and forth, then like a spring he jumped a me.

He jumped to far and to hard for when I doughed he when slidding across the mate on to the floor.

"Out, out, out! Rash pay up mama's getting a new purse to day." Palma was pretty much dancing in joy, well I know one person is happy.

Welles huffed and started limping to the boy's locker room, I sat down in the circle and started licking the blood off my paws.

Rash hand over the five dollar and Palma ran out of the gym jumping with joy, gosh she's so hyper.

"So Safire where did you learn to fight like that?" I ignored that and just yawned before walking to the girl's locker rooms.

---minute later ------

I walked out of the girls locker room and over to the group of boys, "Where did Patricia go?"

"She was curies about you being a panther and tuck off to do Research and Welles is still in the locker room licking his wounds." Kenneth said well I was picking up the mat to take care of it.

"So what is everyone's plans today?" Rash spook well we started walking to the Mess room.

"Hmm not sure, Me and Fire don't have classes in till tomorrow." Riley said well looking at me like I may have a answer, I should get him a calendar for all those empty days. "Wait I was asked a couple weeks ago to go test the cake for the snow dance, I may just go do that now."

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