Day 6.5 "I just love Food"

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I told them over and over again, that they will lose to me in this game. So by the time it'd had become noon I had play everyone several times in between Riley and Alfie. They where very shocked for every time I'd spoke, "Checkmate."

"Again? But how I was so sure I'd had you trapped." Riley said well looking at the board shocked, he scan the board in hopes of a escape from my bishop from his king.

"You had me trapped yes, but a thought I had escaped only to turn it back on you. You should know never to turn your back on the enemy, for the fore will only stab you in the back." I gave a grin and started to put the chess pleases away, "let's get lunch before be play another game It would seem a thought you guys are losing you touch at the game as it becomes easy and easier to win."

"I swear it is something of the odd for I'd have no clue how you may win every time," Alfie said for he had lost to me five times, I can just seen the emotions heat with confusion. It'd so funny watching everyone lose to me, what really gives them a way be their emotions flicker. Oh how I do wish to play poker with them after lunch, they proudly think I cheat.

"I feel like pizza sounds the best," Riley said well walking to the counter where the lady stands at the counter selling food and drinks. When he went to the counter the lady smiled at him and then handed him a slice of pizza with out him paying. He walked back over to us with plate and a pizza slice, "Aren't you going to get something to eat Fire?"

"Nay, I will wait and get it after everyone else is done." He smiled and nodded before taking a seat next to me. A odd smell started to hit my nose, the smell intensely started to bug me for I couldn't tell what the smell maybe.

"Aye you boy got the last slice of pizza the lady says their be nothing more of pizza," Alfie says well walking over and taking a seat next to Riley, his plate full of three hamburgers and many fries.

When Alfie picks up a hamburger and almost takes a bite Skype hops onto the seat next to him and seals it out of Alfie's hands. "Hey now that's my hamburger!" Skype growls and just woofs down the food like he was starving.

"Hamburgers are Skypes favorite food it's just mean to eat it in front of him and not give him one, so he took one it seems." Saying that well patting Skypes head, Skype only responded with licking his jaws.

Riley picked up his pizza and tuck a bite, when be started to chew his facial features started to change into one of disgusted. He then turned to Alfie and spoke, "your not missing out. This Pizza tastes like horrible dead fish and smells like one as well."

Then it hit me what had happen, all I could do was stare at Riley silently and think of a plan.

"Well I think I will go and get something else now then," Riley got up from his seat and tuck a step to the counter.

It was like in slow motion, their was nothing I could do for he slowly fell to the ground. First he landed on his knees then fell forward, his mouth started to foam and cough like he had a frog in his throat.

I said some color full words well standing up so fast that my chair toppled over. Then rushed to Riley's side, "Alfie hold down his arms!"

"Safire what happening?" Alfie said well rushing to Riley's side, Riley started to thrash about. "Hurry Alfie hold him down before he hurts himself," I don't what him hurting himself well his thrashing around. I need to think about how to fix this," I said staring at Riley's pained glance.

"Is it food poisoning from the pizza?" Alfie said well trying to pin one of Riley's arms.

"Yes, It's from the pizza Riley had ate-wait that's it!" I straddled Riley and started trying to hold his head still, "Sorry for doing this but it must be done." Then having him still I stuck my fingers down his throat in till he started to gag. Then jumping off of him I pushed Riley over to lay on his side, he started to throw up anything in his stomach. I could hear some of the girls that had gathered around start to gag at seeing him throw up, when Riley had finished throwing up everything in his stomach he seemed to have passed out from loss of energy and pain.

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