Day 2 'Silent Screams'

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The clock chimed midnight, and their as a loud scream.

I fell out of bed trying to get out of it so fast, I could just hear the screaming in my ears like a siren going off like a endless echo.

I rushed for the door and throw it open, running like crazy to Riley's room.

I would look like a mad woman in short shorts and a belly shirt running throw the dorm to a guys room next door.

I yanked the door open so fast it hit the wall, but paying it no mind I ran to Riley who is being held to the wall by knife point.

Like instant I pulled the guy off Riley and throw him to the opposed wall with demon strength. My demon side was pissed off, I could feel my eyes change into a deep red.

"I'm going to kill you!" I hissed at the person who now is starting to stand, I rushed him.

I could feel my ears grow to be cat ears and my nails became long as claws, I tacked him to the ground well trying the claw his eyes out.

"Sis watch the eyes I don't want you to damage my wonderful face." I change pace very fast for my claws and ears disappeared.

"Jerk!" I punched Deaga in the nose so hard I heard it crack.

"Ouch sis that hurt," I got off Deaga and kicked the knife away from him. Deaga started to laugh at me and how cat like I was.

"Who's is he Fire?" I then analogue the fact that the lights where off and its pitch back in here.

"Deaga turn the lights on and explain why the crap you are here, and give even more detail on why you where threating Riley."

I watched him walk over to the door and flick on the lights, I changed my eyes from cat vision to normal in a couple seconds.

Riley looked petrified standing against the wall across from us, I hope he's not scared of me.

"Little sis I though I had heard his name before, so I thought I would take up fathers offer on doing another assassination for a some tips  money." He seemed so happy to see me it was like he had gotten a kitten for Christmas. "So well I held him at knife point having him scream in hopes for him to have a familiar I can kill easy. Just think of my surprise when you come running in, I never thought I would see the day my little sis try's to save someone other then family." He started to walk toward me, started right in his eyes daring him to say it. "But I can't blame you it's not like you wanted to become his familiar."

He said it! I reached up and snapped his broken nose back into place, he howled in pain. Pay back stings don't it?

I wanted to strangle my brother right then and there, but it was Riley's emotionless face that throw me over board.

"Safire want is he talking about?" Riley wasn't showing any emotions that is what got me really nerves.

 "Ah.. so.. do you remember the first time we met?"  I was getting nerves and started to rub the back of my neck.

"Ya." He dead panned it like it was so simple and useless.

"Well that's when I became your familiar, wondering how that can happen if I'm a shifter. Well that's kind of a white lie for I'm not full shifter but half demon and half Werecat."

"Prove it."

"Prove what?" I was totally confused about what he wanted me to do.

"Prove your a demon," he yelled at me like I was the horrible bad guy.

"Ya Sis prove it," Deaga whipped the blood that was dripping down his nose away.

"Fine Riley if you want a example of how I lied then I will give you one, "Deaga lets resume our fight sense you seem to want to mock me for every little mistake I make."

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