Chapter 9. Suta Morgan.

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The ground is rough as i run threw the forest after Our master who forced me to join by threatening my sister.

I can't see a foot ahead of me, since the fog is clouded around me and on the ground.

I hit a tree and tuble down crying out. I have two bullet wounds to the arm and several minors cuts on my legs and chest. 

I breath for air and wish my sister were here. If she were here, she'd kiss my cheek or something and make me smile. She'd take me away from this war and to somewhere safe where we'd find peace, but there isn't peace anymore, the world is tumbling down on my head, because of my plan along time ago. My father is our leader and his once second command who threatened my sister is probably dead by now.

I hate my father. 

I hear footsteps on the ground and am jerked upwards.

"Grab the boy", says a few soldiers hauling others up.

They drag us to a truck and drive off, before i have time to even tell them to stop.

I have a foot hanging out of the truck and my head is heavy and hard to lift as i look up at the dark tarp covering me and other injured men.

I wish she was here.

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