Chatper 10. Amelia Morgan.

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I sit at a broken window of the rusty building. All the other buildings from what i can see are on the ground in heeps and homeless boys and girls and families run around.

I see Military vans start comming down the dirt road that once was a busy free way.

They all park at the house i'm in and start to unload.

I hear footsteps and turn.

The blond Girl Kim is there.

"Hey, I think you might want to see this,"she says softly as I stand up.

It's been two days since i even spoke, after she told me My boyfriend had died in a attack, I almost lost it.

I haven't ate since then either. I know if he was alive, he'd not be to happy of me for not eating and sitting at a windo depressed for two whole days.

She leads me to the front room which looks like it used to be the interior of a living room. All that it is now is a bunch of holed walls holding up.

I see millions of injured men on the ground, some not even moving. I shiver and hit the wall as i search the room for anyone i might know.

I go over the men a few times, before I catch sight of a blonde head.


I cry as i am running to him. He's on the couch and his eyes are shut.

"Suta," I say sliding down by the old couch.

I pull on his hand and it's cold.

No you can't die too.

"He's still alive, but he's very weak, He'll be okay", The blonde soldier who saved me says from beside the couch.

"Please help him", I whisper as I scoot over for the medical team to start working on my brother.

I sit there holding onto his hand as they cut open his shirt and bullet wounds and stich up his cuts. Once they are all done, I grab a blanket from a pile in a dark corner and a pillow from the Blond girl. I lay down beside my brother and wait for him to wake.

I end up falling asleep instead and Listen to the humm of his chest.

I am in a meadow, The meadow is brown and the trees are wilted. There's smoke rising from piles of ash all around and in the center of it stands a man. His hair is black and in a quiff. his face is black with ash and his hands and neck are covered in sut. His eyes are black like pits and his hands are reaching out to me. Rufus. 

"Amelia", he says as i try to run to him. I am stuck to the ground.

"Stop", he says.

"Rufus," I call out as he starts to burn.

"Wake up", he cries as his face starts to rot and his mouth starts to rip apart.

"No", I cry.

"Amelia Wake up, Wake up, Amelia, its'just a dream", he says as he falls to ash.

I wake to my brother shaking my arm. I sit up and tears are sliding down my face.

"Suta", I whisper as I hug him.

"Ouch", he groans as i pull back.

"sorry," I say as i remember that he betrayed us.

"It's okay", he says softly as he kisses my cheek.

"Why did you go against us?" I ask as he stiffens.

"They threatened to kill you", he says as i shiver and hug him tight.

The Guy is wanted (book 2 of the Girl is Wanted)Where stories live. Discover now