Blake Griffin. <Jordan>

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This one is for you jordieee_24 , I hope you like it!

"Babe, when will Brie and Brianna's dates be here?"

Blake sighed. As much as he didn't want his daughters to grow up, he had to accept the fact that they were.

"I don't know, quite frankly, I think that this date is a bad idea. My babygirls  are too young."

Jordan stared at Blake. He looked so devastated.

"Well, sooner or later they're  gonna grow up baby, you can't stop them from doing that."

"I know..."

There was a faint knock on the door.

"Daddy, our dates are here."

He felt a wave of sadness come over him. He was loosing his daughters, or at least that's how he felt.

Grabbing one of Jordan's softball bats, he attempted to greet the young men before Jordan stopped him.

"Blake, put that down!"

"But Jordie,"

"Put it down."

He looked down at her small 5'3 self and stared into her brown eyes. They walked downstairs to see Brie hugging her date.

"What are y'all doing?"

"Blake stop."

"Sorry sir, I was just so happy to see her. I'm Christopher, I'll be taking Brie out tonight. This is Christian, my twin."

"Hello Mr. Griffin."

"You better have my babies in by 11:00- scratch that, 10:00."

"Will do sir."

"Okay y'all have fun now!" Jordan called out.


"What are they doing? It's 8:26."

She laughed.

"Calm down, okay?"

It's was 9:30 when the couple heard a knock on the door.

Brie stormed off to her room and Brianna gave Christian a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Her father caught that but he decided he'd bring that up later.

"Back so soon?" He asked.

"We kinda ran out of things to do." Christopher told him.

"Ohh, okay. Well you have a goodnight now, be careful getting home."

"Will do sir, night."

Blake chuckled at the fact that the young man was sucking up.

"How was it?"

"It sucked!"

"I had fun!"

"Mom, I hate boys." Brie said.

"You say that now, but wait till you get older." Jordan told her.

Blake cringed.

"You better stay hating boys, okay?"

"Whatever Daddy."

"Don't whatever me, I'm serious."

They all laughed. He was just glad that his girls were back home, safe and sound.


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