1 || Best Friends

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"I need five bucks," My phone lights up with a text notification on my nightstand, for the third time in the last five minutes, whatever happened to quiet hours.

I look at the screen, Ellie was calling me now.

"It's three in the f-ing morning and we have school tomorrow what the-"
"Do you not read your texts? I need five bucks, jeez Lots keep up."

"If you hadn't noticed by the fact that I was out all day, I'm trying to sleep through Valentine's day, to escape the singleness. What do you need five bucks for anyways?"

"To solve all your problems, to bring you inner peace, to make the world right again."

"Shut it Gandhi, tell me what you want -"

"What I really really want?"

"I hate you so much, its three am don't you dare Gwen Stefani me Ellie."

"It's the Spice Girls Charlotte McDouggal, how dare you let me down like this. Anyways, I need five dollars for the match-o-matics surveys, I'm going to find you the boy of your dreams!" That was all I needed to hear.

I ended the call and turned off my phone. The boy of my dreams, really now; his name is Wolfgang and he's been dead for roughly 225 years.

Despite thinking it was the worst idea of the century, I brought a five dollar bill to school later that morning, hoping that the money would appease Ellie. I struggled through my morning classes, fighting off sleep, thanks to a wonderful friend that had disturbed my much needed beauty rest.

Somehow I survived the first half of the day and lunch time rolled around. I made my way to the band room, where I always ate lunch, sometimes with Ellie and her boyfriend, sometimes alone. But always surrounded by what I likes best, music.

"Oh Em Gee You're so lame you know that right? Who doesn't wanna chat at three am?" Ellie yelled sarcastically from the door. She sashayed inside the room and parked herself in front of me, offering a hand to help me up. I groaned and got off the floor, ignoring her offer of help.

"Come on prodigy, let's get you a boyfriend." She winked at me, then grabbed my back pack and pulled me out of the room into the crowded hallways of the high school.

"Where exactly is this anyways? The gym? A dark alley? The local asylum?"

"Smart ass." Ellie mumbled. "It's in the lobby obviously, where all the normal kids hang out."

"You know no one's forcing you to be my friend right? This isn't grade one."
"You know too much, I'd have to kill you."

That's our friendship for you, nothing but love and mutual respect for each other.

"Fine, fine, but if I get paired with some weirdo I'm totally breaking up with you El."

"Damn, I thought I was worth more than that to you," she wiped a fake tear from her eye."Maybe you'll get that cute cross-country runner, or the theater boy, or-"

"Or shut up Smellie"

"I hate you."

"Love you too."

- - -

Originally Published May 14 2016

Edited April 18 2017

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